I have just a short and sweet show and tell today as I really can't come up with the words for much of a post. All the kids (except baby) have various stages of a sore throat / sinus bug and even with 2 cups of strong coffee I'm still dragging. I made a pillow for the baby. For the Dresden Plate I used some beautiful Atsuko Matsuyama prints that I got in a little swap with my sweet friend, Heather. The center piece is from another sweet friend and bee mate, Leila. I'd been waiting to use that Merry Bon Bon print for just the right thing and this little project was it. I added some crochet lace trim to the top of the pillow.
For the back I used this really cute aqua ticking type fabric. I have no idea who makes it... wish I did because I love it. I only had a fat quarter and it had no print on the selvedge. I was so excited to use some of the buttons I had made too.
I haven't made a pillow in years except for tiny doll pillows. I am so pleased with this one. I just want to make a bigger pillow form for it. Makes me smile looking at it.