Friday, February 17, 2012

Hand Pieced Quilt-A-Long Block #4 Bear Paw

This week's block is Bear Paw. For this 6 inch block you will need:

  ☆☆☆☆ Edited to add corrected measurements☆☆☆☆
4 - 2 1/4 inch squares (print)
1 - 1 1/4 inch square (print)
8 - 2 inch squares (print for half square triangles)HST (or can use 2 - 4 inch square and make 8 triangles from each, see picture above) or 1 7/8 in. with no trimming after sewn together.
8 - 2 inch squares (background for half square triangles)HST (or can use 2 - 4 inch square and make 8 triangles from each, see picture above) or 1 7/8 in. with no trimming after sewn together.

☆☆☆☆ Half Square Triangles will need to be trimmed down 1/8 of an inch on all sides if using 2 inch squares. This has come to my attention after sewing some of them together.  ☆☆☆☆

4 - 1 3/8 inch squares (background for corners)
4 - 1 1/4  x 3 1/8 inch rectangles (background)
 Mark all of your 1/4 inch seam lines on wrong side of fabric.

First I sew all my HST units together. Then make 4 units like this (the paws).

Then sew two paws together connecting them with a 1 x 3 1/8 inch rectangle in the center of the two blocks.Sew 2 of these units together.

Next sew the center row together.

Lastly sew all of your rows together to make the Bear Paw block. Which I have not done yet, because I am quilting along with you :)

Here is a picture of my blocks so far. I have really enjoyed seeing your blocks coming together in our flickr group. If you have not done so yet, come on over and join us!

Here are the links to all of the previous blocks.

Block #1 Churn Dash
Block #2 Jacob's Ladder
Block #3 Ohio Star

Have a wonderful weekend! Happy stitching!!!

 ☆☆☆☆ Edited to add corrected measurements☆☆☆☆


1 Deb said...

LOL! I can understand that reasoning for following your own blog! I actually follow mine, too...but more so I'll know when google reader actually picks it up. I like to see what others are seeing and when they see it! :) Love your Bear Paw block and the others blowing in the breeze.

2 Yumm yumz by patticakes said...

I have been following the Hand-Piecing Quilt-A-Long and have so appreciated that you have taken the time to do this for us! I am really enjoying it and looking forward to each Friday's new "assignment!"
Is there a "Print Friendly" function that I can print just that week's assignment?

3 Jacque. said...

And, here I was hoping this week's block would have less pieces. hahaha.

4 Richard Healey said...

Every time I see some ones blocks hanging on the line I keep thinking I need to buy one and hang up in the yard. I love the colors on your blocks they look great.

Make sure you stop by and put your guess in my quilt givaway by guessing my babys B-day or Birth Weight.

Anonymous said...

Are you doing this by hand ?? Im so glad to find you. Im trying to do by hand and it seems I cant find instructions pre rotary cutting anymore...Jinny Beyer is the only other site I found..Thank u

6 Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

I am having some difficulty piecing these together - the big print block is not aligning, nor is the little white block in the corner. I've checked and rechecked with your blog to make sure I cut them out right! I'm going to fiddle around with some different measurements and I'll let you know how it goes! I hope I don't have to redo the half-triangles - I already have those sewn together in sets of four...

7 Simple Simon and Company said...

Just found your blog and love it! Your quilts and piece work is absolutely beautiful!

8 Bonnie said...

Oh my! I haven't even started yet and I really want to do this! Well, I think I just may be sitting down tonight and starting the first block! There's no excuse...I definitely have time...I just don't manage it very well! :)

9 Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

Thanks for your help! I did make two of these... the first one was too big since I changed the rest of the pieces to match the hst sets I already had sewn. The 2nd one turned out alright though!

10 said...

Hello! I just bought my book, and would like to join and make these blocks by hand.....Hugs Morgan oxoxoxoxoxoxo PS They are wonderful!!!!!

11 Cindy Sharp said...

I don't think the Antichrist will be a you're good.

Love your photos with the barn in the background.

Anonymous said...

Hi. This is my first time to your site, a friend told me about it this morning. She is wanting to make the Bear Paw block by hand. I understand the process for making HST in the many ways available. I understand the drawing of the lines but I am missing your instruction on when to cut. If drawing on the 4" squares to make the HST are you sewing on all the sew lines first or cutting on the cut lines to make all the triangles then sewing the triangles together? If I go by your photo, you are cutting all the triangles apart first. Thank you.



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