Friday, January 27, 2012

Hand Pieced Quilt-A-Long Block # 1 Churn Dash

Hey there! are you ready to start the hand pieced quilt along? I'm not a real formal person so there are no rules. I'll try to post a new block every week. Fridays seem good as we will have the weekend to work on our blocks. Margaret asked for some of the basic info on hand piecing so I have a few pictures of how I hand piece. This is just the method I have been using and  it is far from perfect but it works for me. I hope it helps.
So let's begin...

Block # 1 Churn Dash ( 6 inches finished)

                                                     (click to enlarge)

2 - 2 7/8 inch squares from background fabric for half square triangles
2 - 2 7/8 inch squares from main fabric for hst
1 - 2 1/2 inch square from background fabric for center
4 - 1 1/2 x 2 1/2 rectangles from main fabric
4 - 1 1/2 x 2 1/2 rectangles from background fabric

When your pieces are cut the next step is to draw your sewing line onto the WRONG side of your fabric 1/4 inch away from the edge. I try to go with a scant 1/4 inch here. I prefer to use a mechanical pencil for this. 

Do that to all of your pieces and then draw a diagonal line on all of the 2 7/8 inch squares.  Draw a sewing line 1/4 inch away from the diagonal line on each side. Then you can cut your piece on the center diagonal line.

I am using red thread so you can see my stitches here. I use a single thread (left loose on one end). I knot the end twice so I know it won't pull through my fabric. 

I use a running stitch and try to make smallish stitches.

When you come the last stitch at the end of your piece take 3 more stitches on top of the last one. That is enough to secure your thread.

Here is the first completed HST (half square triangle). I really like the bit of rippling, bubbling, whatever you want to call it, on the seam line. I think it adds to the charm of hand piecing.

Sew all of your HST's and rectangular pieces together like this.

Then sew your pieces together in rows like this.

Lastly sew your rows together making sure to match, or butt, your seams together. I like to press the hst's toward the center in those rows and for the middle row I like to press the center out towards the rectangles. 

Now you have one completed block for our quilt along. Isn't it pretty!?

I'm excited to see the blocks from everyone who joins along. I'll try to put a linky tool thing after next week's post. I also started a little flickr group for the quilt along, a place where we can give tips and encouragement! Please come over and join the group. I'll be lonely there all by myself .

Have a great weekend and lots of fun sewing block # 1 !!!


1 Bonnie said...

Beautiful! I think I will follow along! Thanks!!

2 Jacque. said...

I'm in! This will be fun!

3 sewfunbymonique said...

Great tutorial, I just pinned it! :) I can't join the quilt along, but will enjoy reading about it.:)

4 Jean Burke said...

I'm in - can't wait to get started this weekend! Thanks for the clear instructions! Peace....

Anonymous said...

I think I am going to join in. I have wanted to try hand piecing. I have a lot going on already, but think I could squeeze a block in here and there. It looks like a good project to work on while in front of the tv.

6 Yumm yumz by patticakes said...

How fun! Thank you so much for doing this for us!
One question - I like the "puckered" look of the hand pieced seams too - do we finger press the seams or use a lukewarm iron to maintain that look?
I have joined the FLICKR group - I can't wait to see what everybody does with their blocks!

7 Molly said...

Very sweet! Something about the thought of hand piecing is so comforting and soft. I'm in middle of hand quilting a quilt but as soon as I'm done I'd love to work on this next.

8 Katie said...

I'm so in! I won't be starting for a little bit but can't wait to make a quilt by hand.

9 Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

Well, I haven't sewn by hand in a looong time, but I thoroughly enjoyed this block! Thanks so much and I look forward to the next ones!

10 Daphne said...

I love hand piecing - your block is so pretty and springy! Just need to find some fabric (I haven't sewn in a while...) and I will be joining you all!!! Thanks so much for the great step-by-step words and pictures!

11 The Slow Quilter said...

I just came over from Cloth Stitched blog to see this hand stitching. I had just did my blog on how I wish to learn the hand stitching since I could not carry my sewing maching to work with me. This is great and I just might follow along.

12 خياطة وتفصيل said...

very nice thznk you so much :)

13 Unknown said...

Love this tutorial. Have done machine piecing and thought hand piecing would be hard. I think I can do this!!

14 Laura Lee said...

I'm only a year late, but I'm definitely going to make a handpieced quilt, now. Thanks for the inspiration!

15 said...

superbe merci biz

Anonymous said...

I am just finding this and I am too excited to start! Thank you soooooo much for this!

17 mother hubbard said...

would love to know what line of fabric this is from ... sorry if this is a repeat questions!

18 MargieK said...

So...when you're done and ready to press, do you do it from the back??

19 MargieK said...

And what's the size of the finished block?

Sandy May said...

Hi Erin they look gorgeous and about to attempt my very first hand sewn quilt, as i am currently working on an island north of Darwin, but due to the monsoons we have been stopped from working so were just sitting around and thought i might as well have a go at making this mini quilt i chucked in my bag at the last minute. Are there any tips to hand sewn quilts or any tips i need to know any advice very welcome i have been a long time machine piece quilter but want to have a go at this for a change also is finger pressing ok as we dont have any irons as i work with guys.

21 Unknown said...

Hi--I'm wondering if you hand-sew the binding onto your quilts? I'm finishing a fully hand-pieced and hand-quilted project, and I'm not finding any resources on best ways to hand sew the binding (they all just talk about turning and sewing to the back after machine sewing to the front). Maybe this is just an obvious thing to do, but I figured I'd ask. It's my first hand quilting project, and I don't want the machine to touch it!

22 Miaismine said...

Hello! I found your QAL a few days ago and have to tell you how grateful I am for your hard work! I've shared about it on my own blog at I've prepped the first two blocks and am eager to begin sewing! Thank you so much for this QAL!



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