Friday, February 10, 2012

Hand Pieced Quilt-A-Long Block #3 Ohio Star

This week I chose another favorite traditional quilt block, Ohio Star. When I first began quilting this was the first block I would think of when I thought "quilt".

To begin cut :
1 - 3 1/4 x 6 1/2 inch strip from your background fabric
1 - 3 1/4 x 6 1/2 inch strip from your print (star points)
1 - 2 1/2 x 10 inch strip from background fabric
1 - 2 1/2 inch square from print (center)

Mark a 1/4 in. seam line on all of the edges of your pieces. For the 3 1/4 X 6 1/2 in. strips also mark a line down the middle of the strip at 3 1/4 in. Mark 1/4 in. seam lines on each side of this center cutting line. Then on each square mark an X from corner to corner for your diagonal cutting line. Mark a 1/4 in. seam line on each side of all of your diagonal cut lines. On the 2 1/2 x 10 in. strip mark 2 1/2 in. cutting lines along the strip and mark 1/4 in. seam lines on both side of these cutting lines.

Cut apart pieces on cutting lines. There should now be 1 print square, 4 background squares, 8 background quarter square triangles (QST) and 8 print quarter square triangles (QST).

Take 1 background QST and 1 print QST and sew them together to make 8 of these.

Put 2 of your QST units together to make a square like this unit. Make 4 of these.

Lay out your square like this. I sew horizontal rows. Then sew my rows together. Press gently. Enjoy!

I love seeing your blocks! They have all been great and so different! If you haven't yet, come join our little flickr group! You can start any time and all are welcome :)

Block #1 Churn Dash
Block #2 Jacob's Ladder


1 Jessie Fincham said...

love this block design, I made a mug rug with it recently. I've added a link to your blog on my blog 'reading list' by the way :)
Jessie, xo

2 Deninaus said...

Could you tell me what size of the finished star please.



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