Hand Piecing~Hand Quilting


    Welcome to the Hand Pieced Quilt Along Page! Please feel free to join in at anytime! 

Block #1 ~ Churn Dash

Block #2 ~ Jacob's Ladder

Block #3 ~ Ohio Star

Block #4 ~ Bear Paw

Block #5 ~ Granny Square

Block #6 ~ Shoo-Fly

Block #7 ~ Card Trick

Block #8 ~ Friendship Star 

Block #9 ~ Square in a Square

Block #10 ~ Log Cabin

Block #11 ~ Flying Geese Pinwheel

Block #12 ~ Honey Bee

Sashing & Borders



The Finished Quilt!

The flickr group is here. Come on over and see all the other pretty hand pieced blocks and quilts.


Anonymous said...

I love to hand piece and I hand quilt all my quilts. It is SO relaxing.

Paulette Doerhoff

Anonymous said...

I am thrilled to find your site /blog. I, too, do all hand piecing and hand quilting. (I don't own a sewing machine... yet). In fact I am just finishing the quilting on a bear's paw quilt I am making for my daughter, done in navy blue, medium blue, soft blue, and white. Looks really lovely, even though I'm an amateur. I hope to start binding by next week. I was excited to see all your hand pieced feature blocks, and I look forward to taking my time with a cuppa tea, and looking all through them. Thanks for a great site!!
Donna Woodhouse, Toronto ON, Canada, dwoodhouse@sympatico.ca

3 Nita said...

I am so excited to find you! I feel breathless and am going to do your handpieced quilt along even though it is long over. :) I am spending this summer at our lake house where we do not have electricity. so hand quilting is certainly in order!

4 Wrap-z said...

I love your site and the cheerful pieced quilt you have shared. I am going to attempt the hand pieced 6 in blocks and see how it goes. Thank you


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your great tutorial. Can't wait to try making this. I have never hand pieced, but the idea appeals to me and your blocks look amazing.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to find your site.I hand piece and hand quilt my quilts. I have arthritis.It is very therapeutic and easier for me to manage.I am so glad you are encouraging and teaching.I have actually been looked down upon at a recent quilt show because I mentioned I hand pieced and hand quilted.I was taught by my wonderful grandmother Thank you so much !

Anonymous said...

I love your site and have been hand piecing & quilting for years. I am a Kentucky quilter and the ones done by hand actually sell for more than the ones done by machine if you are able to part with any. I have restored some really old quilts, all done by hand.

8 Soupyfoot said...

I am so excited to find like-minded quilters like me who enjoy this style of quilting.it is very therapeutic for me and less back breaking! Lol!

9 Unknown said...

This is a nice one.Thanks for sharing this awesome one.The first step in the quilting process is to relax. Keep in mind that just like any craft; quilting requires the individual to master the basic techniques first, then gradually work up to more intricate patterns and stitches that more experienced quilters enjoy.To know more tips about quilting techniques you can visit- quilting techniques


Sew Bizy said...

Hi Erin, I was going through a few bags and found a quilt which I had forgotten. 20 years ago I started that beautiful quilt. I thought I had lost the art but I havent and I am thrilled. Thank you for all of your foundation advice. I was wondering if your ladies could help me with my quilt. I love hand sewing but could you let me know how to turn the applique pieces undrr. Its been a while since I did that!

Thank you Erin

11 william hartman said...

Amazing online digitizer Nicee



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