I finished 2 hangings. First the mama and her nest mini quilt. I just love this one so much.
It could be my favorite.
Then this hanging I showed you this week.
I'm still working on Granny Squares. I'm cutting up some softer colors to make twin size Granny Square quilts for my girls. Heavily influenced by these and these. Using mostly pink, aqua and red.
Like this block I made for Monica and Lori.
and the one for the hand pieced quilt-a-long.
Finished these 2 tops. I already showed you but see I made a cute picture on picnik with them. So I had to show you again :)
I forgot to add this one to my big WIP list a few weeks ago. I think because I have been actively working on it and it just slipped my mind. I'm in the hand quilting stage right now. These are my first hand pieced blocks and the top is all hand pieced too. I am so proud of this little quilt.
So here are my stats this week:
1 completed bee block
2 completed mini quilts
2 completed tops
and that feels really good...
Linking up today with