Saturday, October 29, 2011

Blogger's Quilt Festival Fall 2011

For my entry in the Blogger's Quilt Festival I chose my Birdies Holding a Quilt quilt. I thought I should go with a bigger quilt but finally decided on this one. I've made quite a few of these and I think this is my quilting niche. I feel so happy and creative when I make them. For this quilt I used hexagons for the leaves which I really had fun with. All of my birds are on a line or branch. I thought for this I had to include my favorite thing in the quilt, a small quilt. I love the freedom of doing anything I want with these quilts. The free motion applique is like drawing. I really love that technique.

All of my quilts have special meaning to me. This one I keep in front of my sewing table. I think one of the reasons I love it so much is because of the pure joy I experienced making it. Absolutely no frustration. It's what I think quilting should be. FUN!!! I hope you like my entry for the Blogger's Quilt Festival.

Please Stop by Amy's and check out all of the other entries. Take care :)


1 Molly said...

I feel happy looking at this little quilt too! It couldn't be sweeter. It's very original and you really have found your niche. Love all your birdie quilts!

2 Cindy said...

I have to tell you that your birdie quilts really inspire me. I absolutely love them!!! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talent!

3 Jolanda said...

Lovely little quilt!

4 Pat Merkle said...

Very cute little quilt!

5 Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

This is one of my favorite quilts of yours also! I love that you have it in your sewing space. Thanks for sharing your creation with us Erin!

6 Marty Mason said...

I feel the quilting love peeping out of this little cutie.

7 Sabine said...

ooooh, this is so sweet! Not in a sugary but in a nice way that makes me smile all over my face. Thanks for sharing.

8 said...

I am so glad you shared this quilt again. I love it so much. It is one of my all time favs. It makes me happy too!

9 Dirt Road Quilter said...

I am comletely smitten by all of your little birdie quilts and I'm so glad you decided to enter one in the festival! They are just the cutest things ever! I want one so badly. It would just be perfect in my little old ranch house. Are you selling them?

10 Bobbi said...

Oh my goodness! This is precious. :)

11 Leslie said...

i love love love pretty and fun and cute and amazing. you always make such beautiful things

12 Rebecca said...

this quilt is so beautiful! the teeny tiny quilt is just killing me :o) there is something really special about mini-quilts!

Anonymous said...

I love your style! So fresh and modern. And that tiny quilt...amazing!

14 Sarah said...

Those two little tweeters are super sweet!

15 Jessica Christensen said...

YES! I love this one. Love the birdie quilts. You really should have a whole wall of them in your sewing room.

16 Patty said...

this is very sweet quilt thanks for sharing.

17 Katie B said...

Such a sweet mini!

18 Catherine said...

Such a sweet and happy quilt. I like you thought about quilt making. You are obviously in your happy place making these birdie ones.

19 Jacque. said...

I love this little birdie quilt. I think it was the right one for this year's festival.

20 Debbie said...

Awe... I love your quilts. They just make me smile and inspire me to find my niche.
Keep it up.. and thanks for sharing.


21 laura said...

sweet quilt

22 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Absolutely, totally gorgeous!

23 Kirsten said...

Such a gorgeous little quilt - love the birdies!

24 Unknown said...

Oh I love this one. It's so sweet!

25 The Thompsons said...

Simply adorable! Nice job.

26 Carla said...

Love your entry. I wish I had found your blog eons ago. So much cute stuff. I am a hexie lover too. I will be back.

27 Heather D. said...

Super cute. I love it! I'm going to subscribe to your blog, you do lovely work.


28 Lauren Phelps said...

I love your birdie quilts! I have to learn that skill!

29 Dawn said...

Your birdie quilts make me smile. I could look at them all day! Tooooo cute!!!

30 Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi! I love your mini quilts! You have made them so well with all the details! They are so happy and cute!
x Teje

31 pinsandneedles said...

Your mini quilts are sew adorable! Love the birdies and...everything. Sew cute.

32 Dolores said...

This is so gorgeous. I have dabbled a little in free motion applique and I would like to do some more. I love the stuff you're doing.


33 Sarah @ This Crazy Blessed Life said...

Such cute quilts! I'm so glad I found your blog...I'm your newest follower :)

And I featured you on {Crazy Blessed Love} Friday Features!

Come over and grab a button :)

34 Kit Lang said...

Oh so sweet! Thanks for sharing. :)

35 Shari said...

This is just so cute! I can see why it makes you happy - I'm smiling too.



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