Thursday, August 19, 2010

Charm Swappers - Pink!

Hi Ladies-
After reading your suggestions and ideas, about going with a colorway, I chose PINK! I want the swap to be fun. No pressure. So any pink, quilt shop quality material, as many different prints as you'd like or 9 from 5 different colors. You pick. Have Fun!

*Yesterday I said 8, but I forgot to count myself! lol! So there are 9 of us. I'll give the def. final count tonight.*

***Edited to say this swap is closed, sorry. If this swap is successful there will be another!!!***


Becky said...

Awesome! Pink it is then!

Unknown said...

Can't wait!

Riel Nason said...

Pink charms?!! I am currently saving charms for an all-pink quilt for my daughter and this would be perfect! I've got lots of great fabric to share too. Do you have room for one more? The only wrinkle is that I'm in Canada, so I'd have to send you $$ for mailing back to me as I wouldn't have the correct stamps. I completely understand if you're full or are US only, but thought I'd ask! Riel

Kristine Hanson said...

sounds good to me!

Rebecca said...

Is it too late to join charm swap. If not include me.

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

Hi Rebecca-
I could not reply to you through e-mail! I'm sorry but the swap is closed.

Leigh said...

Yay! My girls will love this!

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Why not sew indeed?
I've decided to set aside time every day just to be creative. Knitting, sewing, crocheting, whatever!

Thanks for the title that gives permission to be creative!

Deb Robertson Writes said...

Hello there! I had a catastrophic disaster in my inbox and have lost your address for the charm swap. Would you mind awfully resending it to me! Thanks Deb xxx



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