Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fat Quarter Shop Giveaway::Bake Sale by Lori Holt

Don't you just love Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet!? She has such great style. She seems like so much fun and super sweet. She also hosts awesome quilt alongs on her blog. In my opinion she can do no wrong as far as fabric design goes. Her fabric line Bake Sale is no exception. I LOVE this line, like, a lot. It makes me so happy to look at these beautiful colors. Lori always knows how to add that sweet retro feel to her designs. I have one little 2.5 inch square of the cherries on pink left from her Sew Cherry line and I'm hoarding it. So I've learned my lesson and I am ordering enough Bake Sale to last me for several projects. Including this crazy, cute pattern.

Pre-cuts are going fast. Fat Quarter Shop is generously giving away a 3.5 inch Rolie Polie to one of you lucky people! Just leave a comment on this post by midnight Tuesday June 4th to enter. Good Luck!


1 Mary C said...

I love Bee in My Bonnet and am eager to see Bake Sale in my mailbox : ) thanks for the giveaway!

2 Paula said...

I love these fabrics too. Thanks for the chance to win.

3 giddy99 said...

So very vibrant and perky! Thanks for the chance!

4 Kristine Hanson said...

too fun those prints!!

5 Mountain Home Quilts said...

I would LOVE to have this fabric. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.
I already ordered Lori's "Mixing it Up" pattern and can't wait to get my hands on some Bake Sale! :)

6 Melanie said...

Love Lori, brilliant fabrics and so creative!

7 Bonnie said...

These are adorable!

8 Jenny said...

what a great, fun fabric line!

9 Heather said...

Great giveaway. Thanks!

10 Brandi said...

So cute! Thanks for the chance!

11 Leslie said...

I love these fabrics. Great colors. Thanks for the chance.

12 doodlebugmom said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I already ordered some of the the bowl print - going to make myself some new kitchen curtains :)

13 Denise said...

Love Lori's fabrics and designs! They are always fun and happy and wonderful! thank you for the giveaway!

14 Lori said...

Love these fabrics. Thanks for a chance to win.

15 Anne said...

I love this fabric!

16 Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

Crossing my fingers! Thanks for the chance :)

17 Eliza said...

I really like the big floral

18 Penny from S.C. said...

Love her fabrics and she is so generous with her patterns on line. Thanks for the chance to win.

19 Jessica Christensen said...

Love those colors. Thanks for host(ess)ing the giveaway.

20 Unknown said...

Ohh, this matches my kitchen! I love these colors.

21 B Greene said...

What a fun and happy line of fabric!

22 klara said...

Love these fabrics, Love to win also

23 Michala said...

What lovely fabrics! I'd never used a rolie polie before so it'd be great to win this!

24 Teje Karjalainen said...

They are adorable and fun! Thank you for a great give away!

25 Martina said...

Really lovely! Would be wonderful to sew with them.

26 vintage grey said...

They are so sweet!! Would love a chance to win! Thanks Erin! xo Heather

27 Tracy said...

Love this line and love to follow Lori too. Thanks for the. Giveaway!

28 Heidi Staples said...

This line looks SO precious -- I love the recipe prints!

29 PunkiePie (Jen) said...

I would love to win! I hope to pick up a FQ bundle in the next couple of weeks (if they are still available). I need to stash some more "fun money" again.

30 Sonia Pereira said...

Thanks for the oportunity. I'd love to win those!

31 Missy Shay said...

I love this fabric line! It is so pretty!

32 Catrina MacDonald said...

I love this fabric. I'd like to win.

33 charlotte said...

so cute. Love to win some.

34 Ginny Worden said...

I discovered Lori's patterns several years ago when I was in the Salt Lake area,and bought a couple of her patterns,now she is a world renowned fabric designer and I love it.

35 Cindy said...

What happy fabric--I love it!

36 Heather D. said...

Very sweet fabric! Thanks for the chance (open internationally, yes?)

37 Montseta - Montsecosecose said...

Love her fabrics! Terrific giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

38 Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Oh yes - these are some pretty yummy fabrics!! And what a super giveaway! Thank you for the chance!!!

39 Vicki said...

Would I ever love to win this!!! Love the visual FEEL of this line.

40 Caroline in NH said...

I would love to be entered in the drawing for these! I have several patterns in mind that would work!

41 minivangran said...

Oh I just love Lori Holt. All her posts, colors and ideas make me smile.

42 Ellyn said...

great giveaway! thank you

43 Thim3 said...

Very pretty Fabric. I love Bee in my Bonnet...I am doing the quilt Barn along. She has such great ideas. Thank you for the chance to win this fabric.

44 Kylie said...

It's so lovely isn't it! Those cherries just kill me :)

45 MeredithV said...

I love Lori's style and all her fabric lines. I don't have any Bake Sale yet, so thanks for the chance! I also love that if I order from Fat Quarter Shop in the morning, my fabrics are in my mailbox the next day. That's awesome customer service.

46 Stacy said...

Those prints make me happy!

47 debbiesc1 said...

Thanks for the giveaway. These fabric just make you smile, love them

Anonymous said...

Darling! Thanks so much.

49 Heather Hunt said...

Oh! I am a teacher and I can not wait for school to let out so I have time to quilt! These would be perfect!

50 Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
51 Unknown said...

Oh, I love Bake Sale!! Lori Holt has done it again. Such cute fabrics. Thanks for the opportunity!

52 Lucky Duck Dreams said...

I love the Fa QuRter shop!

53 ✄ Erin @ Sew at Home Mummy ✄ said...

SUPER cute line - would love to win!!

54 eileensideways said...

i been a fan of lori holt for years. this is such a cute line.

donna rutten said...

what wonderful fabric. would love to win!!!

Lori said...

I Love this fabric. What an awesome chance to win. Thank you so much.

57 kclily said...

Love the colors! Hope I win.

58 Sewso said...

Thanks for hosting this give away. This line is just what I need for summer sewing! It reminds me of feed sack aprons my grandmother Babo wore. I can remember sitting in her kitchen "helping" her bake.

59 Mom2RyandSis said...

So Cute!! Thanks for the chance to win!

60 Patty said...

LOVE this new line!!!

61 Sarah said...

I love her style too. Her quilt alongs are great and her fabrics so cute.

62 QuiltKorner said...

So cute. Thanks for a chance to win.

63 Marcy said...

How pretty! What an awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Teresa Wills said...
Everything Lori Holt does is beautiful! I want to do everything she does and buy everything she sales, just as long as the Hubbs doesn't find out! Lol

Anonymous said...

I love this new line. She is like the fabric fairy--everything she touches is cute as can be.


lhyink at mac dot com

66 Unknown said...

What a great collection from Lori. Sure would love to win. Thanks for the chance.

67 Christine S said...

Oh I LOVE this!

68 Linda said...

Yummy Giveaway! I would love to enter. Linda on

69 Katy said...

Love her fabrics!

70 Liz DandeliondD said...

Gorgeous fabrics.
Thank for the chance to win.

71 Elizabeth said...

Love the new fabric! I've learned so many new things from Lori Holt! Thanks for the give away! :)

72 Gina said...

Such a fun giveaway!! My favorite print in this line is the recipe text although cherries are always hard to resist!! Thanks for the chance to win the Roly Poly!!

73 Joan and Kevin said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

katie said...

Lovely fabric. Very fun.

75 legato1958 said...

What fun fabric! Great giveaway !


76 Tatkis said...

Adorable fabrics! Thanks so much for the giveaway!


77 Cindy said...

I love Bee in my Bonnet and I love Bake Sale!! What a great chance! Keeping my fingers crossed!!

78 Francis Paul said...

who wouldn't love this fabric line??? Thanks for the chance to win :-)

79 WAZOO! Quilting said...

Oh boy! This would go nicely with the charm pack I just got!, pick me, please!

80 brockkr said...

Love this line!

81 Unknown said...

Such fun, pretty fabrics! I really enjoy Bee In My Bonnet. I get inspiration any time I see what has been made. Thank you for the chance to win.

82 Lisa C said...

I missed the Fat Quarter Shops Lori Holt quilt a long and fell in love with her fabric watching everyone's rows come together. Thanks for the chance to win.

83 SuzyMcQ said...

Lori makes quilting so much fun, whether it's her lovely fabrics or fantastic patterns! Just love her.....

84 Cheryl said...

Love the cherries. Thanks for the chance to win.

85 Nettie said...

Once again, Lori Holt, you have created a "masterpiece"! Love the new Bake Sale line. I see aprons or kitchen curtains with the little kitchen prints......
Thanks so much for the chance.

86 tich said...

Fun, fun, fun! Love the designs!

87 dessie95 said...

Looks like fun colors to work with, table runner or wall hanging for summer

88 Ophelia said...

Great fabric line! Love to win some. Thanks for the chance!

89 cynthia said...

Such charming fabric! Thanks for a chance to win it!

90 Swedish Scrapper said...

Lori's fabrics are so wonderful! I am starting the barn blocks and would love to add these in! Thanks for the chance!

91 Allison said...

What a cute line! I'd love to win.

92 Cathie in UT said...

I love how Lori manages to find the happy medium between kitsch and usable prints!
Thanks for the chance to win

Anonymous said...

Adorable prints. I love Lori's designs, too. I'm following her barn-along! Would love to win this. Thanks for the chance

94 Becky S. said...

I love the Bake Sale fabrics! I can't wait to make Lori's
Mixing it Up quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.

95 Kristen said...

I love Lori Holt's style!

96 Barb said...

So cute, I love this line. Thanks for the chance to win.

97 robin said...

I love this line!

98 Sandy's Quilts said...

I love this line. It would make a great lap quilt offset with white

99 drmithome said...

thanks for the giveaway.

100 Deb said...

What sweet fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!

101 Mary Deckert said...

Love this new fabric, it's just so pretty and happy!
Thanks for the chance!

102 helenjanei said...

I love this line so much! Thanks for the chance to win :-)

103 Becky said...

Thanks for the chance to win.

104 Patty said...

The fabric is so cute. Thanks for the chance to win it.

105 Anda W said...

I love everything Lori designs! Her fabric collections are always fabulous! awolk at rogers dot com

106 Rebecca said...

I would love to win! Thanks for the chance!

107 Margaret said...

I love the colors in this line. I just started another quilt that uses a jelly roll. I could make it bigger if I win his. Thanks for the chance.

108 Julianne said...

LOVE these fabrics so much, especially the pyrex bowls!

109 Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

Gorgeous fabric¡¡¡

110 barbara woods said...

Great giveaway thanks

111 Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

I'll be hoarding it right along with you. I've got a FQ bundle of black, grey, white and red polka dots that is just meant to be made into that Mix It Up pattern. Gonna hang in my kitchen for sure, since I've got a think for Kitchenaid mixers.

Anonymous said...

Adorable fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win

113 Beausoleil Quilts said...

I love Bee In My Bonnet and everythinbg Lori does. Thanks for the giveaway

Lorna Elliott said...

I definately have a bee in MY Bonnett with this collection. Cant wait to sting you with a prize winning comment trying to win this lovely collection. Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

115 Taryn V. said...

Adorable fabric. Thanks for the giveaway!

116 Jusmom1 said...

I just LOVE Lori's Bake Sale line and would love to win! Thank you so much for giving me the chance!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting a geat give away!

118 Debbie said...

I adore this fabric line and it is one of my favorites right now. Thank You for having such a sweet give away.

119 Tammy said...

Lori is so talented and I really love her Bake Sale fabric line as well as all her new patterns that are just perfect with this line. I would love to redecorate my kitchen with Bake Sale :0)

Thank you for the chance to win some Bake Sale.

Have a nice day!

120 Sherry VF said...

Bake Sale is a perfect fabric line for spring/summer quilting:-) Thanks

121 Kathleen said...

I would SEW LOVE me some Lori Holt! I am a fan of hers for sure!

122 Jennie {Clover and Violet} said...

Such cute fabric!

123 yenni said...

^^ love it...

124 kt said...

I love Lori's new line. Thanks for the chance to win some!

125 said...

Thank you for a chance to win. I just LOVE the Bake Sale Fabric. I've already started to use it, but wish I would have bought more.

Anonymous said...

just came upon this site. i love there is a little bit of this and a little bit of that. keeps everyones interest. great job.

127 Katherine Donovan said...

Oh the things I could do!!! Love the prints, super cute!

128 lmurley2000 said...

oh man what I could do with this, thanks for such a great giveaway



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