I took some of the blocks apart that were already sewn because I found Kona solids for the borders that I liked much better.
I also took the time and drafted a quilt, instead of just winging it, which is how this quilt began. I wanted to make sure the color was well balanced and that the sashings were all going in the directions I wanted because they are wonky. I cut all of the borders and cut all of the white fabric for the wonky sashing. Now all I have to do is sew. I have 3 rows finished and I love each block more than the next. It's kind of nice to have a plan. I actually feel semi-organized.
I'm working on a pattern for the paper pieced Kitchen Aid mixer I made. Something that someone other than myself can understand :) I also want to do a tutorial on the above Little Apples quilt with the wonky sashing because it's layer cake friendly. I made my blocks like I did because I just couldn't cut into these sweet illustrations. So I'll be working on that too.
My sewing has been nil lately and it was great to get caught up this weekend. How about you? What are you working on?
So love the fabrics you are using.....you didn't show antying that we haven't seen in our own machines (sadly)...
I am so looking forward to you getting this one done. It is going to be the cutest quilt ever, methinks! Course, that might have something to do with the fact that you ROCK!!!
I really love those fabrics. I can't wait to see the finished product.
I love the way those blocks showcase the fabrics. It looks amazing so far!
Really cute blocks!!!
I a so excite that you are working on a pattern for the mixer. I want to mKe it and hang it in my kitchen. And I am thrilled abbot thi quilt pattern.....I have so many layer cakes with no purpose that it would be something fun to use one on. What size will it work up to e?
I'm trying to just go down my list. Right now I'm trying to finish the Tokyo Subway Map quilt top and then a really old project with tiny little pinwheel nine-patches. It has this sawtooth border with 1" HSTs that I just finished. And then I'm doing a craft fair in September, so I'm trying to get a whole bunch of things ready for that. And school starts next week, so we're trying to get ready for that too. Love the way your Little Apples quilt is shaping up.
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