Wednesday, December 9, 2015

2016 Crossroads Quilt Along

I am so happy to be participating in the 2016 Crossroads Quilt Along with Fat Quarter Shop.

This year we will be sewing a vintage inspired quilt using Strawberry Fields Revisited by Fig Tree Quilts!

I am so thrilled that Moda is reprinting some of the originals and some new prints for this line. Now I feel like I don't have to hold on so tightly to the original scraps I still have. It was one of my all time favorites.

(the back of the quilt)
The quilt along starts February 2016. Fat Quarter Shop will post the downloadable pattern on the 15th of each month.  All of the info for the fabric requirements, kits and patterns are on The Jolly Jabber

But the best part about the quilt along is that is supporting the March of Dimes an organization dedicated to preventing premature birth, birth defects and infant mortality. Each pattern is free, but a $5 donation to March of Dimes is requested for each pattern download.

I was asked if I would mind sharing about a transforming time in my life...a crossroads.  Like you, I am sure there are many. But the single most important, life changing thing that happened to me was becoming a mother. It's not a crossroads in the typical sense of the word, but it did change my life forever. There was never any going back to the girl I once was. I had this little new life who was completely dependent upon me. That intense love that filled my heart until it was bursting at the seams. Knowing what it felt like to love someone so much you would lay down your life for them. Staring at that sweet angel face for hours while she slept in my arms. There is nothing like it in this world. That's my crossroads. The most important event in my life and I know that I am blessed and forever changed. 

Here is a list of quilty friends sewing along and sharing their stories ~

                                                 Joanna of Fig Tree Quilts (@figtreequilts)
Pat Sloan (@quilterpatsloan)
April of Prairie Grass Patterns (@amrosenthal)
Tina of Emily Ann's Kloset (@emilyannskloset)
Melissa of Oh How Sweet (@ohhowsweet)
Angie of Gnome Angel (@gnomeangel)
Vanessa of Lella Boutique (@lellaboutique)
Melissa of Happy Quilting (@happyquiltingmc)
Erin of Why Not Sew (@whynotsewquilts)
Greg of Grey Dogwood Studio (@greydogwoodstudio)
Sondra of Out of the Blue Quilts (@sondradavison)
Sedef of Down Grapevine Lane (@downgrapvinelane)
Taunja of Carried Away Quilting (@taunjalynn)

Share your progress and creations with us on our Crossroads Facebook group. Post your blocks using #crossroadsquiltalong on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Happy Sewing!
xo Erin


1 PatSloan said...

I look forward to sewing with you this year Heather!

2 bruinbr said...

I could not agree more with your thoughts on motherhood! It's such a beautiful, crazy, amazing adventure! Sometimes it's hard to remember what life was like without my kids, but that may just be the lingering effects of the sleep deprivation! ;) I wouldn't ever trade it though!

This is going to be an awesome sew along!

3 Unknown said...

I don't think I'll even fully understand what happened in the moment when I become a Mother. I thought I would know what to expect and how I would feel, but it's been a completely different and life altering experience that I wouldn't change for all the fabric in the world. Can't wait to see your quilt over 2016!

4 Carried Away Quilting said...

Everything you create has such a fresh, sweet look. It all just makes me smile inside and out. I look forward to getting to know you better through this quilt along, Erin!

5 donna said...

What a great post my dear. I love your story.

6 Jacque. said...

This quiltalong would be so much fun to do...we shall see how it all works out. Thanks so much for your story, Erin.

7 Eip said...

'That intense love that filled my heart until it was bursting at the seams' such a wonderful analogy for quilting I think!



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