Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Daysail Giveaway from Simply Sweet Fabric

Hi there! Today I have a fun giveaway for you from Simply Sweet Fabric.
Shay is giving away this pretty FQ bundle of Daysail by Bonnie and Camille to one of you!

It's rainy and cold here today. We lost our electric last Thursday and just got it back yesterday. So today I have tons of laundry to catch up on. Let's pretend we're going sailing instead!!!

To enter leave a comment below. I'll announce a winner next week. 

Happy Sewing!
xo Erin


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1 Podunk Pretties said...

Did you do some quilting by candlelight. Just like in the old days! Thanks for the fun give away.

Kristen Olson (happyheartquilting) said...

Thank you for the giveaway! Daysail is soooo pretty!!

3 Ddhdesignsatgmaildotcom said...

I've been dreaming of having some of this fabric, I would love to win this! Thank you for offering ;D

4 Sheryl said...

These fabrics are so sweet

Anonymous said...

This would be such fun fabric to sew with - thanks for a chance!

6 Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Thanks for a chance to win this pretty fabric

7 Joan and Kevin said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

8 Unknown said...

I love the color and combination of this bundle! Thanks for the chance.

9 Sinta Renee said...

When we reach daylight savings time... I am ready to be done with winter and move into spring... being outside again... a Day Sail would be nice! Thanks for a fun giveaway!

10 Anita said...

Oh my goodness what a beautiful giveaway! I didn't lose power but I did do laundry for more than 12 hours yesterday. So I feel your pain. (We had company staying over the weekend so there was extra bedding, towels and table linens to wash.)

11 lesleyana said...

how pretty!!! would make cute zipper pouches!

12 Eliza said...

Love the floral!

13 fabricstasher24@gmail.com said...

What lovely boats to sail away in! Thank you for the giveaway.

14 Jennifer said...

Super cute. Thanks for doing the give away!

15 Jenny L said...

Reminds me of my sailing youth. Jennylarking at gmail dot com

16 bee said...

perfect for thinking spring (maybe even summer!)

17 Anita said...

What at pretty collection of fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway.

18 LindaH said...

pretty fabric. Thank you for a chance to win it.

19 Jantine Urban said...

Beautiful fabrics! I think they all could go straight into my hexie quilt! Thanks for the give away!

Anonymous said...

HI,Thanks for a sweet giveaway! Love your Blog>Happy Stitching!

21 amy said...

That's a lovely fabric collection. I like all things nautical! Would love to win!

22 Jocelyn said...

Love this color combination! Thanks!

23 Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

Love the fabric! And I'm glad your electricity is back... although, not so glad that you're stuck doing laundry :) Happy Tuesday!

24 Jusmom1 said...

I love this fabric. Thank you!

25 Heide said...

What a cute Bundle of fabric. Love the little sail boats with the fun sails!
Thank you.

26 barbara woods said...

Great giveaway , thanks

27 Stephanie said...

Love the Daysail! Thanks for opportunity! qltdiva1@fuse.net

28 Emily said...

I would love to win this fabric and make a baby boy quilt.

Anonymous said...

Sailing would be a great adventure, warm breezes and the smell of water. If we can't sail, we can sew! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. cbuchanan@townofbannerelk.org

30 Missy Shay said...

Sometimes I wish we would lose electric for one day to make my husband get off the computer and play board games with me! LOL

31 Little Quiltsong said...

I love the beautiful colors of the Daysail Fabric, and especially the boat and text prints. Thank you for a chance at this beautiful giveaway!

32 Mara said...

No electricity for that long is crazy but EPP is the perfect way to spend your time.

33 Liz said...

Thank you for the give away. I love this fabric line ❤️❤️❤️

34 Bonnie said...

I love how the sails are florals!

35 Unknown said...

That's terrible you didn't have power all that time! On the bright side, your fabric giveaway is awesome! Thanks! cherisetoweratgmaildotcom

36 vkh6210 said...

You don't realize how much you depend on an everyday commodity until you don't have it. Glad you have power back. Love the colors in this collection. Thank you for the chance to win some.
vkh6210 at gmail dot com

37 BillieBee (billiemick) said...

That fabric looks great as a hexie.

38 Martina said...

Just love those happy colors. Thanks so much!

39 Kim said...

I love this collection. The colors and prints are so pretty.

40 Mary Pat said...

Love these fabrics.....I think spring will be on the way!

41 Lee Anne said...

We live so far away from any place to sail...this would be a great substitute! Thanks!

42 Sara said...

Isn't there a song with the word sailing in it?! Lol I would love to go sailing😃

43 Teresa said...

I have been dreaming about this fabric too. I am almost afraid to tell you about my weather - its sunny and spring type weather in the Pacific North West - I am fanning some of my warm son towards your direction - hope it makes it soon. Thanks for the giveaway.

44 Elizabeth said...

Oh, I just love those sailboats! What a lovely colour palate too. eliz.i@sympatico.ca

45 Baa. xxx said...

Daysail is such lovely fabric - thanks for the giveaway - such fun!

46 Unknown said...

Someone is going to be very lucky!

47 Debbie said...

Love the colors in this bundle. Thanks for the giveaway. I've also shared your giveaway on my Giveaway List for sewers & quilters at wowilikethat.com. Thanks again. (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)

48 Nisa-mom said...

the fabrics are so refreshing, wishing me luck that I will get that bundles, Erin. Thank you for the chance

49 Joan said...

Love this fabric line! Thank you for the chance to win.

50 Kathy Davis said...

The snow has melted here and my spirit has improved.. I could be even happier if I won this cute fabric.
Thanks, Kathy

51 ThreadCatcher said...

I like anything by Bonnie & Camille. Thanks for the chance to win this FQ Bundle.

52 Frankie said...

I love this fabric line -- thanks for a chance to win it!

53 Leslie said...

ooooh such pretty fabric! thank you so much for the chance!!!

54 charlotte said...

what a great fabric line. Love to win a bit.

55 Kristal said...

I hate it when my power goes out! Glad you've got it back.

Pretty, pretty fabric - hope to win!

56 Anna @FreshDewDrops said...

Lovely little bundle : )

57 Dianne W said...

It's beautiful and sunny over here in Australia and I am on holidays at the beach! Doing without electricity makes me realise how hard it must have been for our ancestors, imagine their workload.

58 Unknown said...

Thank you for the giveaway! Daysail is so pretty!

59 Peggy said...

Oh Erin - this fabric is beautiful - thanks for the chance to win some!

60 Vicki H said...

love the colors. Thanks for the giveaway.

61 Joyce Carter said...

Thank you for the great giveaway.

62 Allison said...

Thanks for a great giveaway- I've got a pattern in mind for Daysail. Losing power is the worst, though it does force my children to spend time away from a screen!

63 Julianne said...

Oh I love me some Bonnie & Camille...thanks for the giveaway!

64 Leslie said...

Such lovely fabric. Thanks for the chance to win.

65 Olivia Simpson said...

What beautiful fabric! Thanks for the giveaway! louisecake@xtra.co.nz

66 QuiltLaughLove said...

I am really loving Daysail. Those hexies are adorable!

Margaret said...

I would love some nautical fabric please!

Anonymous said...

Love this line- so summery... too bad all the water near me is frozen! Thanks! Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com

69 DH said...

What a cute bundle! Glad you got your power back! Spring is coming! Thanks, Dawn

70 Niki Estes said...

I absolutely love this line! Thanks for the chance to win. I'm right there with you on the laundry. I need to go get that huge pile on my bed folded. :)

71 Tiara said...

Love Bonnie and Camille and working power!

72 Fred's Driver said...

I love Bonnie and Camille! Thanks for your giveaway.

73 Annmarie said...

I love doing laundry - wish I could come to help you! but I'd rather go sailing!

Anonymous said...

Daysail is such beautiful fabric! Thanks!

Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

75 bountiful quilter said...

This fabric would be perfect for the baby quilt I am going to make for a nephew.

76 Carol said...

Such a cute bundle!

77 Kylie said...

Oh how delicious! I would love to add some Daysail to my stash. Thank you for the giveaway, Erin. I hope you got all your washing done!

78 Georgi said...

I've been drooling over Daysail for a while now ~ Thanks for the great giveaway! Fingers crossed ...

79 Ella and Nesta said...

Oh gosh, I can't imagine being without electricity for so long... it must be like going back in time!

Anonymous said...

I love the beachy feel this fabric gives you. Love it!

81 Lisa England said...

Wow, that's a lot of days without electricity! Sailing definitely sounds better than laundry. Lovely fabrics, thanks for the chance to win!

82 Kathy E. said...

This bundle just makes me feel mellow and calm with its colors. That's exactly the opposite way I'd feel if I had 5 days of laundry to do! Hang in there!

83 Karen said...

This is such cute fabric. Thanks for hosting this give away. Mrscummings2u at Gmail dot com

84 Dieni said...

Imagine doing hand quilting on the couch by the window, with a mug of coffee at the side, and raining outside...


85 The Rx quilter said...

Ahh Daysail and Spring such a beautiful combination! Thanks for the chance to win. RxQuilter

86 maudie said...

All I can say is your awesome for doing this give away.

87 lindawwww said...

I'd like to come sailing with you. We're expecting rain tonight and tomorrow. Thanks for the giveaway.

lin.web.28 at gmail dot com

88 Lori said...

Love Daysail! Thanks for a chance to win!

89 Rose Santuci-Sofranko said...

Ooh! Cute fabrics! God bless.

ILuvTheEucharist @ aol.com

90 Kim said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!!!

91 Melanie said...

The fat quarters would make a cute summer table runner!

92 Unknown said...

Thank you for hosting the giveaway! weitay at Gmail dot com

93 OhioLori said...

Glad your Electric is back on! Long time without..yipes!

Love your Hexie's! & this fabric is so fun! Looove it!

94 Pattie said...

Cute, cute fabric! Thanks for the opportunity to make something fun with it! :-)

95 Michelle said...

Wow glad the electricity is back on. Thanks for a chance to win some Daysail!

96 mlhummy said...

Thank you for the chance to win this bundle. I would love to play with it!

97 Tracy said...

Daysail is another hit by one of my favorite designers! Thanks for the chance! Glad your electricity is back on!

98 Unknown said...

Love these prints, thanks for a chance to win.

99 Enerostar83 said...

Those are really nice. Would make a great quilt.

100 Jinger said...

Love Daysail, thank you!

101 Melanie said...

I love Daysail! I'm a big Bonnie&Camille fan!

102 Lisa Lott said...

Live Laugh Love and sew with day sail!

103 Anita in Florida said...

Thanks for this great giveaway!

104 Miggsie said...

I love Daysail - thanks for the great giveaway!

105 Pamela said...

I'm so glad you have your electricity back! That couldn't have been fun! Thanks for the great giveaway! I love these cheery fabrics!

106 GranChris said...

No power is no fun especially when it's cold. So glad it's back on for you. Stay warm and the fabric is lovely. I'd go sailing any time.

107 Anita said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

108 gibbygoo56 said...

Daysail is a beautiful collection. I would love to win!

109 Rene Sharp said...

Man, I would really LOVE to win that gorgeous fabric, it's not available where I live!!

110 yenni said...

it's a sweet giveaway...love this collection...i'd love to win...^^thank you

111 Shelley said...

What a generous and beautiful giveaway! No power and laundry = no fun. Hope you get caught up fast so you can spend more time sewing!

112 claire ross said...

Love these fabrics. They would be perfect the tote bag I am planning to make for my forthcoming Florida vacation xx

113 Tammy said...

So glad your power is back, stay warm and cozy: )
Love your sweet little hexies!
Daysail sure makes day dreaming about the warmer weather easy to do with such cheerful prints. I love everything Bonnie and Camille do...such talented ladies. Thank you to for the chance of such a lovely giveaway.

114 Unknown said...

Thanks for all your beautiful fabrics. I love them all so naturally I love this one and would love to have it. I look forward to seeing what you're doing next so I check my emails every day. Thanks.

115 Hildy said...

Glad you have your power back! Hope it was soon enough to rescue everything in the fridge.

116 Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

I hope the weather will be better where you live. We have some sunny days here but rain is coming again.

What a great giveaway!!!

117 Linda said...

Such pretty fabrics and colours. As these colours are sadly lacking in my stash it would be wonderful to win the Giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.

118 Caroline said...

What a pretty little bundle!
I love the fabric, it would be aweseome for a quilt for a friend of mine who just recently got her sailing permit...

Thanks for the chance!

119 Clothed in Scarlet said...

So sorry to hear you all have been without electricity for so long! Hopefully the laundry is done? Lol but if your house is like mine one missed piece will act like seed and multiply :0) thanks for the chance to win some yummy fabric. Sarah

120 Will Cook for Shoes said...

Just ordered some of this. Love the colours sooo much!


121 Kay said...

Thank you for an amazing giveaway, Bonnie and Camille make my favourite fabric but these designs haven't arrived in England yet. x

122 Margaret said...

Those fabrics are so fresh and spring looking. Living in northern Michigan I could use a little spring.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the giveaway! Perfect fabric for springtime sewing.

124 Unknown said...

Very Lovely Theme!!! Best of Luck to All. :)

125 Gilda said...

What a lovely collection of prints! Would love to sew with them.

126 Carms said...

I am in love with this collection and would be so thrilled to win:)

127 Unknown said...

It is time for Sailing! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I have an in home childcare and we have a new baby coming in June a boy the fabric would be a great quilt fr the new little one

129 Becky S. said...

I LOVE the Daysail fabrics! Thanks for the fun giveaway.

130 Natasha said...

oh this fabris is lovely. Thank you for the giveaway. Would make perfect pillows for my sunroom.

I am sorry your eletricy was out for so long. Hope your weekend is much better!

131 Taryn V. said...

Daysail is so pretty! I wanted to my last nautical themed quilt with it, but it unfortunately wasn't out yet! Thanks for the giveaway!

132 Cindy said...

Makes me think of summer sailing, thank you for your time and this blog, love watching it.

133 Sarah said...

Very cute fabric. sarah@forrussia.org

134 Unknown said...

Love the new Daysail fabric , thank you so much for the chance to win!

135 Colleen said...

What a long time to be without electricity. Gald it's back. The fabric bundle is lovely. Thank you for the giveaway.

136 Unknown said...

Sweet fabric.thank you for the giveaway. Tough not to have electricity.

137 SuperMomNoCape said...

Oh my... that must have been a challenging few days without electricity! Glad it's back. That fabric is so pretty. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win it.

138 Lee said...

Sailing would be fun - I love this line - Looking forward to Spring!!

139 Rebecca said...

Come Sail Away...come sail away with me...can you name that song? lol

140 Camille Mendel said...

I love Daysail. Thanks for the giveaway. Camille@focus20.com

141 Jannette said...

We've had periods of time with no power, but never with little ones. So glad to hear that you're "powered up" again!
I have a perfect little grandson, just 6 weeks old - and those fabric colours are exactly the ones in his nursery - I see a sailing-themed quilt in his future!

142 Deb said...

I love Daysail! I have a charm pack of it....this bundle would be great to add to it! Thanks for the chance!

143 Terry said...

Adorable fabrics!!! Thanks for the sweet giveaway :)

144 pforgerson said...

Love Daysail perfect for a beach bag to take with! Thanks for the chance

145 Unknown said...

Such pretty fabric. Like a sunny summer day at the lake!

146 Leslie at the Sugarhouse said...

It's been a long winter! Enjoying 50 degree weather today in CT. I love this fabric, I guess you could call me a Bonnie & Camille addict! Thank you for a great giveaway!

147 Katie Cohagen said...

Oh how I love this fabric! Its perfect for Spring!

148 Katy M said...

Beautiful fabrics - perfect for all the sewing I'm doing for new babies about to be born!

149 Margaret said...

Love the fabrics and today is going to be a beautiful spring day just right for day sail

150 Anita Gambrell said...

These fabrics have been catching my eye! I love them! I have an easy day of watching movies, then go to work cashiering at the Piggly Wiggly later this evening! Have a great day!

151 Elaine said...

Daysail is on my wish list! Put me in the hat please!
satterfieldfamily at sbcglobal dot net

152 Brenda said...

Oh my! I know what it's like to be without power! I once lost mine for 21 days! Terrible ice storm that just broke poles over! I'm glad you have your power back on! Love the fabric too!

153 The Giveaway Roundup said...

This is to let you know that somebody wants to spread the word about your giveaway because it was added to the giveaway list at The Giveaway Roundup! You can find it listed here: http://www.thegiveawayroundup.com/linkup. Good luck to you and all that enter!

154 MtnJudy said...

Thank you for your giveaway. What a lovely selection of fabrics! Love the colors!!

155 KMSC said...

Thank you for this giveaway! I love any fabric designed by Bonnie and Camille.

156 NancyL said...

Love Daysail! Thanks for the giveaway! Glad you got your electricity back! alnaloge (at) gmail (dot )com

157 NancyL said...

Love Daysail! Thanks for the giveaway! Glad you got your electricity back! alnaloge (at) gmail (dot )com

158 Donna W said...

Adorable fabric. Thanks for the chance to win some.

159 Marti Morgan said...

Love reading your posts, thank you for your time and talent. Have lerarned so much.

160 Marti Morgan said...

Love reading your posts, thank you for your time and talent. Have lerarned so much.

161 Laura Ferdal said...

I am new to quilting and making a hexagonal quilt is on my "long -list".

Thanks for the giveaway - I would love to win this!

162 GO STARS! said...

Oh my - to be without power that long! I would have gone crazy! It's overcast here today (Dallas) and I want the sun! I don't do cold or cloudy well.

163 Nettie said...

Oh, my newest favorite fabric is Daysail! Love the prints and the colors.
Thanks for the chance...

164 Unknown said...

Daysail is simply beautiful! Thanks for the chance

165 debbie said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

166 Dana said...

This fabric just came in at my local quilt shop, and every piece of the line is beautiful. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

167 cozy kitten quilts said...

This fabric is just darling! Thanks for the opportunity to win it!! Kay

168 Shelley said...

You inspired me to hand piece a quilt last week--from some Bonnie and Camille. I'm about half finished with the quilting at this point--going so much faster than I thought! Thank you for the chance to win some fabric :)

169 Gunilla said...

I would love to go sailing! Right now I am dreaming of spring and summer, barbecues, swimming in the lake and making blueberry pie... Summer please be quick!!!

170 Jean Burke said...

This line is just lovely....sailing sounds like fun!! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

How pretty and clean looking. Makes me hopefully that warmer days are only a short time away.

172 legato1958 said...

Wow! Such a pretty bundle. In love with it!

173 mumbird3 said...

Daysail is so pretty! Thanks for the chance! Hope your life is getting back to normal (no one ever gets caught up on laundry..... :)......

174 Barbara Beach said...

I love Daysail and of course would be so much fun to win! And make something!

175 Michele T said...

I really love this fabric collection... The colours and prints are soooo sweet! Thanks for the chance!!

176 Ronda said...

Love Bonnie and Camille fabrics and this one is awesome and right in line with their color ways!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

177 Jen Barnard said...

This bundle looks great, thank for the giveaway.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

178 Jen Barnard said...

This bundle looks great, thank for the giveaway.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

179 Unknown said...

I LOVE this fabric, but haven't been able to afford it. Thanks for the giveaway!

180 pippirose said...

The fabric is just darling! I love the colour combo! :o)

181 barb said...

These colors! sigh...

182 sherryberrybim said...

Love Daysail. Thanks for the giveaway!

brenda seth said...

i love bonnie and camille...one of their best lines!!

184 Jo said...

Really like this fabric line!

185 Linda B said...

I love this line of fabric always make me think of home....

186 Unknown said...

Like everyone else...I love this fabric line. Would be a fun baby quilt.
Thanks for a great giveaway!

187 janie said...

I would love these fabrics, they would match some summer sailing ones I have perfectly.

188 Cecelia said...

I would love to receive these fabrics they are so pretty! Thank you for a lovely give away!

189 tktl said...

Best of luck with your laundry!

t_ktl at yahoo.com

190 Sherry said...

There are some good things about losing power but catching up with laundry is not one of them. I love the fabric and would love to win.

191 Susan said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for the entry!

192 Janie said...

Beautiful fabric. Thanks for the chance.

193 Her Indoors said...

The more I see this range, the more I like it - thanks for the chance to win!

194 Lynn said...

What fun fabric. I would love to go sailing sometime but here in land locked Nebraska it isn't much of an option!

Anonymous said...

What great fabric for a fun spring quilt!

196 Donna Coulter said...

So sorry about your electric. Sometimes though the quiet is nice!! Love the Daysail fabrics! Thanks for the give-away.

197 Unknown said...

So lovely on a rainy day!

198 Ellen said...

Would love a chance to win this fabric.

199 brockkr said...

Love this fabric line!

200 Allison said...

I love Bonnie and Camille fabric!

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