I thought for a few minutes about what to title this post... The Cutest Machine Ever, Me and My Featherweight, How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways, The Only Sewing Machine I'll Ever Want For the Rest of My Life... finally I just went with The Featherweight.
I got my little 1964 "Pale Turquoise" ( aka white, sometimes celery) 221K Singer Featherweight over the summer. I've been wanting to share about her here since then but haven't been able to get the greatest pictures. I thought I'd share what I have anyway so please forgive the color variances.
I had wanted a Featherweight for years and the first time I saw a white
FW was in Heather Ross's Weekend Sewing book in 2009. I fell in love. It's taken some time for everything to work just right to be able to get one i.e. money, the right machine, agreeable hubby, etc. I am so glad it finally did!!!
I "researched" these machines for a couple of years. Meaning every time it seemed like I might be able to get one I'd read all I could about them and what to look for when buying one. I searched google, ebay, craigslist and etsy. I saw one on ebay over the summer that was in great condition. It had all of the attachment, manual and case. I bid on that one and lost at the last minute. I had a max. bid and was not going to go over it. Now, I have purchased fabric from ebay using the buy now option but I have never bid on anything. Using the max bid option was a good idea to keep from going over your limit. Needless to say I was pretty bummed out.

I thought I'd lost my chance for sure. But my husband is full of surprises!!! We found my machine shortly after (still on ebay). She was beautiful. The only scratches she had were on the motor casing. She came with a case but no extra attachments nor a manual. I was fine with that. The manual can be download free on-line and a few attachments I have for my 99K fit her (I have free-motion quilted with her already ♥). She went for much less than the first one I had bid on which made me (and my husband) very happy!
I really am very happy with this little machine. Although, I do have her case I had to dress her up with a cute cover! I found the free pattern for this featherweight tote
The machine fits perfectly into the tote and then fits perfectly into the machine's hard case. It's a fun and pretty way to protect it from scratches and wear & tear.
I'd like to share some tips and resources I've come across that have been helpful both in selection and maintenance of my machine. I have to get a some better pictures with the case also. Maybe some up close pictures of the machines parts. I hope that's not too boring for some of you. It's just that I found posts like that so helpful for reference when learning about these machines. So I'm not sure if it will be my next post but soon I will have an informative FW post.
Another thing I want to mention while I'm here is I am not getting many of my blog comment notifications anymore so I'll be checking in here and answering questions and replying in the comments. Plus I think that answering questions openly like that benefit other readers. If you need or want to talk with me privately feel free to continue to email. Thanks!
Happy Sewing!
xo Erin
ETA: I made a flickr group to celebrate the Singer Featherweight! If you want to add a picture of your machine go
A beauty she is!!! I would love to have one, one day! ;) So happy you finally got one and so sweet it is!! Happy week Erin! xo Heather
Some says that material things can´t make you happy. They do´nt know sewingmashines.
Congratulations on your Featherweight! I have the one that belonged to my Daddy's Mom. My Auntie gave it to me, before I was a quilter! I have always loved antiques, and I had it on display, never even knowing the true value and worth of this gem. Years later, when I began to quilt, and attend classes, I noticed all of the little featherweights in class! I went home and fired her up, took her for a little cleaning and service, and have been using her, and loving her since. What a work horse these machines are! I love the white!!!! May you and your fw make many beautiful things together. LOVE the tote!!!!
xo Kris
Congratulations on having a FW at last! She is beautiful.
She's a beauty, congrats. I got one a couple of years back and love it. These machines really were built to last. How have you found it for quilting? I'd been told to avoid quilting on mine as it was too much work for the motor so I've only used it fo piecing to date and have been wary of attempting any quilting. I do have another old Singer though that is perfect for that so I find myself machine hopping a lot.
Love your white Featherweight! I bought a black one over the summer and absolutely love it!
she is a beauty. i understand they are an amazing little machine that stitches beautifully. i have been thinking about one but hesitate getting one form a online dealer or seller because i would not be able to see it in person first. what should i be looking for?
Beautiful! I have a white featherweight, which I love, but I have a black one from 1937 which is my favorite. Both sew beautifully, but the black one just seems to sew with so much ease. They really are fabulous little machines and worth every single penny.
Squeal! It is perfect. So sweet in the light colour
What a proud new mama you are, and rightfully so. It makes me want one! Love your tote, too!
She is beautiful .... congratulations on your purchase.
Please do post about your process of researching and figuring out what to buy. I've been quilting since the late 70's and wanting a FW all this time. I've never see the white, now that is what I want. Sew unique!
My sister and I have both been longIng for a working Featherweight Beauty! I look forward to reading your posts on how to buy a FW and what to look for, as well as reading your answer to other questions posted in readers' comments.
My SIL is an auctioneer and he found me one in a basement several years ago. That was almost enough for me to forgive him for taking my daughter halfway across the country.
Oh my gosh, I just love your featherweight. Ebay can be a real let down when that happens. I am so sorry that happen to you. This sweet featherweight was in the cards for you.
Your tote is just awesome. Love it.
She is a true beauty!! I got a black one last spring. I adore her so much!!!
Congratulations on the newest member of the family!!! She's a beauty!! Does she have a name yet? Love your tote for her - so cute!!!
Thanks for the sweet comments and your own fun FW stories! I didn't officially name her yet but I think Darla is a good one! That is the name of the lady who sold her.
Read your post and happy to say I just got the same machine for Xmas this year! A little bit of retro getting used to, but I love tinkering with it!
Let me ask, where did you download the manual for this? The 221K? Cannot find it to save my life!
Would so appreciate info on where you found it. Hard to come by!
Thank you for the info and lovely post. Please reply in email to my other account psdumas@comcast.net Thanks, Pat in NJ
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