Monday, February 4, 2013

Scrappy Trip Quilt Top

I was able to put together my Scrappy Trip quilt top over the weekend. I am so pleased with the way it turned out. My plans are to baste, bind and quilt it this week. I'm thinking aqua binding will set the aqua diamonds off just right.
We are busy here with school and baby appointments but I have a review coming up this week for a free e-book from Fons and Porter so check back for that. Speaking of baby appointments, I have been controlling my Gestational Diabetes with diet and exercise and after turning in my blood glucose numbers this week I now only have to test every other day. I am so grateful for that!!! Thanks to all of you who have sent me messages, prayers and well wishes throughout this pregnancy. I appreciate them all more than you know.

Here's a pic (not the greatest) of what is now our "ice cream" around here. Frozen fruit (berries), a splash of 1/2 &1/2 and homemade whipped cream (all sweetened with just a sprinkle of stevia). Toss all in the food processor and voila! Lower in carbs, high in fiber and antioxidants and so fresh and yummy! This was wild blueberries, red raspberries and strawberries. My favorite is made with only red raspberries!

Have a great day! 


1 Rebecca said...

Looks super cute!

2 heather said...

I like the colors.

3 Wens said...

Your quilt looks awesome!

4 Toni said...

I am really loving your version of this quilt, Erin! And that "ice cream" looks delicious. Congratulations on getting a good report from your doctor!

5 vintage grey said...

So beautiful Erin!!! Yummy treat, too! xo Heather

6 brittany marie davis said...

Darling! I adore the colors you chose!

7 Missy Shay said...

I love your quilt top! The colors are great!

8 Carla said...

Beautiful finish Erin!

9 randi--i have to say said...

This came out beautiful!

10 CathyK said...

That is one pretty quilt!

11 Tammy said...

That quilt is beautiful. I love those colors.

12 CJ said...

Love it!

13 Marty Mason said...

I would like a bite of your smoothie. Well, I'd really, really like your trip around the world quilt, but I know you won't give me that! All of it looks delicious.

14 Maureen Cracknell Handmade said...

I stopped by to see your super pretty Scrappy quilt and couldn't believe your desert -- I have been making that every few days in my new Ninja Processor that I got for Christmas!! I love it, yum!!

15 Anna said...

I love your quilt, look forward to seeing it finished. The 'ice cream looks yummy too! Good luck with your pregnancy, my daughter has 2 weeks to go of her 2nd pregnancy.

16 Sew Create It - Jane said...

Your scrappy trip looks amazing! Love the colours!!

17 Pokey said...

Oh, the red and aqua strikes again in a great way! Your scrappy trip sure makes me smile. It's so pretty ~

18 JenS said...

Love your colors. You have a great talent for choosing the right combinations.

19 Marsha Cooper said...

I was given a popcorn tin full of 2 inch squares....I've been thinking I would use them to make doll quilts, but after seeing your scrappy trip quilt top, I might be changing my mind.

Anonymous said...

I love your scrappy trip, I stopped at 6 blocks have not picked up yet!

21 gibbygoo56 said...

I love this quilt pattern and the colors are super sweet and as cute as a bug. I've been looking for perfect baby quilt to make and this is it! I know your baby girl is loving this quilt.



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