***Okay so instead of posting a tutorial directly on the blog, I made a PDF file. It was pretty fun. Making a PDF is something I have wanted to do for quite a while. So what I'm going to do is send you the link for the tutorial if you want it. Just send me in e-mail or leave a comment and I'll get back to you. My purpose for doing it this way is, I'm only going to offer it for free for a short time. I intend on putting it in my shop and ALL of the money I make from the sale of the pattern will be given to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. A cause that is dear to me. If you are a person who gives charitable donations please consider St. Jude.***
Yesterday Vic from The Silly BooDilly and I met up for breakfast. It was so much fun. We talked, and talked, and. talked. And laughed. She is one of the sweetest persons/people I have met. She is crazy talented. She oozes inspiration and I am very blessed to be able to call her a friend. It was a great time. Can you believe they started vacuuming , Vic? I think that's hilarious. How long can you talk quilts? That's what my husband wants to know.