Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Quilt Finished

Bound. Washed and crinkled.

I love it!

I pieced the back. I almost like it better than the front, almost.

This is really heavily quilted and so it is super crinkley.

Pictures of it in progress are here, here, and here.

Most quilts are really fun to work on. some are more tedious than others. This quilt was fun and relaxing. I picked up the blocks that had been sitting for a while and cut sashing and started to roll. Do you ever take a break from a quilt by making another quilt? I'm sure some of you do. My whimsy quilt is very time consuming with all those little squares on each corner, and it's going to be queen sized. So I took a break and made this quilt, now I'll work on the Whimsy quilt again.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friday Night Sew In ...What I Accomplished

Last night for the Friday Night Sew In I got a little more than half of the binding sewn down on this quilt. I really enjoy hand sewing the bindings.

It's breezy this morning so the quilt was flying around for the shot. I love this quilt!

And my second Whirlygig top is finished. I had to bring it inside for the shot. I know why they are called flimsies now. It was flying around all over the place.

I wanted to get it basted but didn't. Maybe today.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Quilt Festival Spring 2010

I started this quilt a few years ago and finished it last year. It seemed to be in progress forever.
I started quilting it on the Flynn frame and I had to take it off and just quilt it the way I usually do. Lots of readjusting. I do like quilting better this way. I never used the frame again. Some people love them though. This is the first finished pic I have of it (took today). I can't believe I didn't take a pic of it when I finished it. It's feedsack reproduction fabric and white. It looks off white or like it has a print in the picture but that is the backing ( a vintage yellow flower sheet) showing through. (The batting is very thin). This quilt is very loved and used everyday.

Quilt Festival. Hosted by Amy at Amy's Creative Side.

SMS Winner...

Thanks to all who entered. I enjoyed reading through your comments ( not finished yet).

The winner of the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway is Jingle who said:
1Jingle said...
I actually only do hand stitching. I just decided to try it one day and found how wonderfully relaxing it is!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

SMS Giveaway Day!

I so enjoy Giveaway Day, don't you!?

I'm giving away 4 fat quarters. They include Amy Butler's Love, Heather Bailey's Fresh Cut, Denyse Schmidt's Hope Valley, and one of my all time favorites Judie Rothermel's Polka Dots from Aunt Grace's scrapbag.

Just leave a comment and I'll use random generator to pick the winner. For fun tell me how you got interested in quilting, sewing, etc. Who taught you or how you learned. Just for my enjoyment, but it's not necessary, any comment will do.

Have fun today with all these fabulous giveaways! Good Luck!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday Stash ( my first)

I've never done a Sunday Stash post before but thought it might be fun. See I've been on a fabric diet, which sometimes I think is harder than a food diet (but that's open for debate). I finally went fabric shopping this week and this weekend! Twice the fun. I was so happy. I bought some things to help finish up WIP's and just some fun stuff too.

I bought some Kona solids because I am totally inspired by this quilt. I also bought some Kona Bleached White and Kona Bone. It's not what I usually use for my background fabric/sashing but I thought I'd give it a try and see if it's really that much better. I'll let you know what I think.

P.S. Come back tomorrow for the Sew Mama Sew giveaway day!


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