
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WIP Wednesday 2/22/12

This week's WIP list is short. I think that's a good thing because of the mental spanking I put on myself after I listed all of my WIPs the last time I linked up with WIP Wednesday. I thank all of you who commented and let me know I am not alone in having that many WIPs. I did work on a few of them. But I also started a new one. This one is not a big project but still a special one. After Anita won the Fat Quarter Shop giveaway. I visited her blog and saw these really great Bible covers she makes. I commented that I really liked them and she offered to make me one. How sweet is that?! I could not just accept one for nothing in exchange so I suggested a swap and that's how this little birdie quilt came about. 

It is supposed to be bright and cheery. I showed it to my sister in law and as soon as she saw it she said it was "bright and cheery". So mission accomplished!

I also worked on my Farmer's Wife blocks. I reworked #23 and made #'s24-26 too!

I scan my blocks so I can add them to an Excel grid. So you can really see ALL of the details. Like how my points aren't perfect and how I stretch my triangles. But don't pay any attention to those things okay? :)

#23 ~ Country Farm

#24 ~ Country Path

#25 ~ Cups & Saucers

#26 ~ Cut Glass Dish

I am so happy that I didn't give up on these. I am really enjoying making them again. And I really love how they look together.I also want to say that Sunni is having a series on Farmer's Wife blocks for those of us who may not want to take on the whole quilt. It will have projects that will include a fewer number of the blocks. It will be fun. I will be making a project for the series. It begins in March.

I am also still working on my hand pieced blocks

Still making Granny Squares and my other WIPs. I've decided I'm okay with it :)

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. I love all your projects!! Those Granny Squares are too perfect! I need to jump on the bandwagon with these!!

    Farmer's Wife blocks are amazing- I love the color combo/fabric choices!!

  2. That is the cutest little birdie quilt! Love it.
    You've made great progress with the FWQA. That is going to be one beautiful quilt.

  3. Looking at all your gorgeous projects makes me want to start some new ones! All your color choices are awesome!

  4. I was wondering where these hits to my blog were coming from, LOL! Thanks for the shout out....and the birdie quilt is darling...I'm sure it will bring a smile. =)

    Now to get back to the drawing board...I'm not having much luck with my projects lately...ran out of ribbon, sewing machine still not home, wrong size...wonder what's next!?!?! =)

    Have a great day!

  5. Another adorable birdie block. Love it! Very fun for a swap.

    Your other projects are really coming along too.

  6. Bright and cheery are the perfect adjectives. So is adorable, cute, fun.....

  7. Well, I'd never be one to criticize adorable new projects like that in the midst of a mountain of WIPs - I do it all the time!

    It really is too cute. And your Farmer's Wife blocks are lovely as well. I ran out of steam on them - need to find my Farmer's wife mojo again.

  8. Your projects are all so cute! Love the birdy...bright and cheerful it is!

  9. I love that top block with chick in it totally cool. I also have a granny square started (only 1 block completed) I love how they look. Your blocks look great.


  10. I love the little bird, it's so cute. I also think the colours for your famers wife are very pretty.

  11. I love all the projects you are working on. The bird is definitely bright and cheery and oh so cute. The FW blocks are lovely, love your choice of fabrics.
    Your granny square blocks look fantastic too.

  12. Your birdie mini is definitely cheery, and love all the blocks you've been working on :o)

  13. I really like your mini quilt, it is so sweet. I think I need to drink the koolaid and make some granny squares :-)

  14. This all makes me happy, smile and feel a little bit cheerier in cold Indiana!

    Love the colors you use!

  15. i love everything! really i do!

    i love seeing the granny's and FW pretty!!

  16. I think everything looks FABULOUS! I wish my points looked like yours! I am new to quilting and sewing, so I hope that comes in time! Thank you for sharing!

  17. Ok, now I am convinced, I am jumping on board the Granny Square bandwagon. Your blocks are beautiful.
    Each of your mini birdie quilts is more beautiful than the last. Major love for your work!

  18. Funny how something so simple like Granny Squares had taken the quilt world by storm. I made a small quilt last year as my group quilted along with the book Color From the Heart.
    Also just love your series of birdie quilts...I wanna make one hopefully in the near future.

  19. I think your little chick project is adorable. Definitely cheery! I find your work very inspiring and think you are quite talented!!

  20. I just love that block with the bird, but all your work is lovely!

  21. Looks like you have been very productive again : ) Lovely post.


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