
Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Quick Catch-Up!

Hope your weekend is going well! I wanted to pop in and say hi and show a few finishes. I made another Valentine's Day birdie quilt.

I didn't stitch this one as heavily as I usually do and I really like how it turned out. I was looking back on some of my first bird quilts and remembered I used to quilt some of them with these swirlies. So I added some to this quilt and I love them.

I attached baker's twine again. It's so easy and I like it better than a sleeve for something that isn't being hung permanently. I did put this one in my shop which is always hard for me to do. I kinda fall in love with all of these little quilts.

I finished my Jacob's Ladder block for the hand stitched quilt along.

It went together in a jif, I thought.

Now I have 2 blocks. I am so happy with them. I can't wait to pick a block and fabric for next week. I am so happy that many of you have joined me in this. It's lots of fun.

Here are some links for the quilt along.
Flickr Group
Block #1 Post
Block #2 Post

And lastly but not leastly.. :) I started a Flickr Group (they are really fun) for anyone making Granny Square quilt blocks. That group can be found here. Bring some tissues and prepare to drool :) Totally inspired by Jolene from Blue Elephant Stitches' Scrappy Granny Squares quilt.

Okay I think that's it. Please come and join us in any of the above groups. All are welcome :) Have a great weekend and happy sewing!!!


  1. You must enter one of your minis in the challenge on Jennifer's blog coming up soon. Great prizes

  2. Cute!! Could you tell me a bit more about attaching baker's twine? Do you stitch it on by machine? This is a great idea for minis - I never quite know how to hang them without making it a big deal (a sleeve to me is a big deal, especially after the fact!)

  3. Your photos are so crisp and fresh, and the blocks are looking lovely!

  4. OMG, i love you valentine mini quilt! I want to do something like that. So cute!

  5. Love your little quilt and blocks

  6. Hi erin. I linked to your flickr group for the granny squares. As soon as I saw the quilt at Blue elephant Stitches, I knew i had to make one. So beautiful.
    thanks for the flickr inspiration.


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