
Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Birds and More Pin Toppers

 I've been sewing some more Christmas Bird quilts in preparation for my tutorial for Quiltstory on Dec. 19th. I love this one with the family's stockings being held by the birds! I want cute stockings like those. I always see the greatest stockings popping up all over blogland around this time of year. I never take the time to make any. I always have the intention to and then I have too many other gifts and things to sew around the holidays that I never get around to it. Maybe I should make some in the summer next year?!

 I am working on this little quilt now. I'm calling it Our First Christmas. Kind of in keeping with the whole keepsake idea I had for the Baby's First Christmas quilt.  My tree is really crooked so I have to decide if I'll move forward with this one or scrap it.

I've also made more pin toppers. I am obsessed! Seriously.

My new favorite is the gnomey little pink mushroom! They are so teeny tiny. I hope to make a few more over the weekend. What are your weekend plans? Hope they include lots of fun and sewing :)

★☆★☆ I'll announce the Fabricworm fat quarter bundle giveaway tomorrow! There's still time to enter!★☆★☆


  1. Argh! The cuteness! So adorable!

  2. I just LOVE your birdie quilts. They are so cute and I love the way that you quilt them!

    And I'm hoping you can help me :) I'd love some tips! I'm getting ready to do my first quilt like this and I have no idea where to begin!

    1) When you do the applique or sew pieces on top of another piece of fabric, how do you finish your edges? fray check? hem them? etc.

    2) Do you use iron-on interfacing to place them first?

    Thanks for your help!!

  3. Hi Sarah! I thought I'd answer you here instead of e-mail just in case this may be helpful to someone else also. I draw my bird onto fusible web, the cut it out leaving about 1/8 of an inch around the drawing. I iron it to the back of my fabric, then cut out the bird on the drawn line, this is usually enough to keep it from fraying too much. Then I just iron my birds onto the background fabric and free motion stitch over them. I like the lines to be imperfect and to fall on the bird and the background fabric. Hope that helps!

  4. cute cute quilts! i say keep the crooked tree. it gives the block charm. so cute!

    also, those pin toppers are just adorable!

  5. Pin toppers...adorable. Birdie quilts...adorable. What can I say? A. Dor. Able.

  6. Oh My Cuteness! You've done it again. The birds and stockings...too precious. and those little pin toppers...adorable. Thanks also for sharing your construction instructions in the comments for all to see.

  7. Sweet little birdie quilts! And I think you should keep the crooked tree, but then I live in Kansas where the wind blows a lot of trees crooked!

  8. Keep the crooked tree. It adds to the overall charm of the quilt. Look forward to seeing the end result.

  9. It's all awesome. I just love your free-motion tracing quilting - don't know what it's officially called but you know what I mean!

  10. Another winner! The stockings are darling. As for your tree, I vote for move to finsih it. Trees aren't straight silly and I never would have noticed that. Off to see what you have in your etsy shop. I am going to buy myself one for Christmas!

  11. Oh! I forgot to swoon over your pin toppers! Well I didn't forget to swoon, just forgot to mention them. Those are just so sweet. The detail on something so teensy just astounds me. Looks like they were made by tiny elves. Not calling you an elf here. LOL. Makes me want to live in their little world. Under the tree with your birdies.

  12. I've been wanting to make pin toppers, but I told myself I had to wait till after we moved. Did you just spray them with clear finish afterward to make them shiny? They're adorable. I love the cupcake!

  13. Keep the tree, it being all wonky only adds to the charm! And your pin toppers, so cute!

  14. Your Christmas birds are adoooorable! :)

  15. I love the birdies. You know all trees don't grow straight I have 2 on my front lawn that are leaning towards the east right now.

  16. Everything you make is so cute, Erin! Love the new pin toppers and I definitely don't think you should scrap that tree!

  17. I love that the tree is a little lopsided...dont scrap it! It is kind of like the first year for a newly wed couple...trying to find balance after uniting two individuals with their own personalities and independent natures. That first year definitely requires love, sacrifice and working together to establish strong roots for their future!

    It's perfect!

    And I love your pin toppers! Do you have a tut for those? Or can you point me in the direction for one? They are adorable!


  18. Love your little birdies !!! I like the tree!!! You should keep it!

  19. oh i also wanted to say that i love your pins also!!


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