
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Aqua and Tangerine Stars Quilt

Do you remember this was supposed to be the back for this top? When I posted them and said that I think I love the back more than the top some of you agreed with me. Monica said that I should just make 2 quilts instead. I thought that was a brilliant idea and so that is what I did...

or should say I am going to do. I have this one made and I really, really love it.

I quilted a couple words on one of the bottom corners of the quilt. Always Dream. So I never forget. And my kids never forget. And so anyone who sits under or on top of this quilt never forgets. Because, honestly, I forgot!

*ETA if you love this color combo too, there's a flickr group for that.... The Sweet { Aqua } Tangerine.


  1. I'm glad you made this one a "front" too. I loves it!!

  2. Beautiful. Love the dotty binding. :)

  3. I'm glad you made two quilts. Love the quilting and the colors.

  4. What a fun quilt, I just love aqua!!

  5. I'm so glad you made two! They both deserve to be the front! Very fun quilting and I'll have to check out that flickr group. Thanks!

  6. I really like your quilt, I am a sucker for aqua.


  7. Great idea...thought of that, too. I do love the color combo!

  8. I'm so glad you made two quilts. I was thinking you should. I LOVE this one so much!

  9. So absolutely wonderful! "Always dream" is the icing on the cake :)

  10. Wonderful combo. I will check out the flickr group.

  11. It's awesome! And you know what's sad, I don't have either of those colors in my stash with the exception of a piece or two. Seeing that color combination on your quilt, makes me think I need to go shopping. I love the addition of your words.

  12. i think you made the right choice! this turned into a lovely quilt! and i love that extra stitching!

  13. I think that the two quilts was the best decision. Yummy!


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