
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Scrappy String Quilt Progress...How to Quilt It?

I basted my string quilt today. I love this quilt. It isn't just my new favorite but it may be my most favorite of all the quilts I've made. Yes, I'd say it is! It has so many of my favorite fabrics in it. I love looking at it. I think I am also really happy with it because it was completely stress free making it. I just grabbed my strings and strips and away I went and through caution to the wind. I see another in my future for sure.

(I dropped my camera and broke the lens so I had to use our old camera. These pics aren't the greatest. I apologize for that.)

I backed it with the last big piece I had of my favorite vintage sheet. I used this on the back of the Honky Dory Whirlygig quilt. It's funny how the simplest of things make me very happy. To me this is the best quilt ever and it's not even finished yet. I'm glad I get to keep it!!

So how should I quilt it? I was thinking 1/4 inch lines on each side of the horizontal and vertical seams. hmmmm... what do you think?

Also wanted to add I appreciate the comments and opinions about pre-washing. It's good to discuss these things:)


  1. This quilt sure makes me smile! All of the happy colors looks great together.

  2. What a beautiful quilt. I love the sunshiny colors! Makes me want to start one just like it!

  3. I made a string quilt for my mom not so long ago, and I quilted it in straight lines going down the quilt. You can see a photo of it here:

    Love how yours is looking, good luck!

  4. Hey Erin! I love that quilt! It is a true sure makes me smile. One of these days, I may try a string quilt. As for quilting...I like more quilting than what you're thinking of doing. But, not sure what to suggest.

  5. I can see why this is your favorite quilt. It is gorgeous! I like your idea for quilting it, but I think you should also quilt through each of the white strips, too.

  6. String quilts just make me happy. All those fabrics...

  7. The designs looks so stunning and it's very colorful. I love it!

  8. I love string quilts having made a couple myself. Yours is particularly gorgeous.

  9. That quilt is gorgeous! I love it. I think your idea to echo quilt the seams is perfect!

  10. beautiful quilt... isn't it so nice when you love it and you get to keep it for yourself!! xo amy


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