
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Quilting on the String Quilt and a Plea for Flea Market Fancy

 I finished straight line quilting my strings quilt. I got the suggestion from Tong and I love it!!!!

It takes a bit longer to quilt than stippling but it was well worth it. I didn't mark my lines just sorta went with the flow.

 Now I'm hand binding it. I can't wait to wash and crinkle it.

So I'd like to put out a desperate plea to anyone who would be willing to swap some Flea Market Fancy for any fabric I have. I am looking for seeds and posies. 2.5 inches square or bigger. I will over compensate with fabric I have. I can post some pics later or on flicker. Let's see, I have some Arcadia, I have Sweet (sniff, snif..I am willing to give away some of it for this cause :) I have peeps and stripes and flowers on gingham and a few others and all of the colorways) I have some Heather Ross tadpoles in jars on peach. I have some Heather Ross Mendocino shown in these pics. Denyse Schmidts new line for Joann seen in these pics. Lots of different Amy Butler, daisy chain, lotus dots, midwest modern. Lots of reproduction fabric. Tip top elephants (grey and pink). Heather Bailey Fresh cut 4 prints). I have some sherbert pips pink girl on swing, red dogs, pink dogs and aqua people on scooters. Some charm packs momo's  It's a Hoot and Eva by basic grey. all kinds of fabric. If you are interested (please, please, pretty please, with a big fat cherry on top) I would be extremely grateful to you! leave me a comment or e-mail me to work out the details. whynotsew(at)yahoo(dot)com 
Have a happy Sunday!!!


  1. the quilt is gorgeous!!! i'm glad that you liked the straight lines. it does take a lot longer, but the end result is so worth it!

    what colour posies are you looking for? i have some pink ones that i can spare. let me know if that's one of the ones you are looking for.

  2. I am normally a hand quilter and I don't like the all over swirly kind of stitching most machine quilters do. When I finally decided to give machine quilting a try on a couple small quilts I did the straight line and liked how it turned out too.

    I love how your quilt turned out.

  3. Hi! Are the "seeds" the ones shown in the quilt? Gold with small brown and white leaves or seeds?

    If so, I have a bunch of that. I would love to arrange some kind of trade. It is same as the large piece in your top picture, the gold colorway.

  4. ohman...I am loving the quilting on this. You ROCK! But, we already knew that. Can't help you with the FMF...sorry...never had any.

  5. Love your string quilt and the stitching. Can't wait to see it after the wash!
    I have some FMF seeds I would be happy to trade for some tadpoles in bags.

  6. Your quilt is just wonderful!

  7. I have some FMF I could swap....sounds fun. I have some seeds, posie(I think). I have some large flowers and some small.

  8. The quilt is lovely :-)

    I think I have some seeds and posies, probably green and pink? I'll have a look at home tonight and let ya know what I can spare!

  9. I have some gold and pink posies, selvedge to selvedge 4" wide, and a few pieces of green posies that you could use too....I will send you an email :)

  10. I love how this turned out. This is also on my list -- a string quilt -- one of these days. I have so many string scraps. (But I don't have any FMF, so sorry.)

  11. Beautiful quilt, Erin!! So sorry that I don't have any of the fabric that you need as I would have been happy to help if I did. Good luck in finding some! xo

  12. I love the idea of straight lined quilting on this quilt. I'm just finishing my first string quilt and wasn't sure which way to go. Thanks,



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