
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

WIP Wednesday...WIP Denial

I often feel I have nothing to share for WIP Wednesday but how can that be? I sew a lot. How can I have nothing to share? I have something called WIP denial. It's a condition (disorder?) where you know you have WIPs, you see the WIPs, you deny the WIPs, you start new WIPs. Oh, it's a real sickness I tell ya. I have it. BAD. I thought this would be the perfect time to REALLY list my WIPs. I know there are many. I  ignore most of them. I think a WIP list is in order. This could get ugly (and thready and wrinkly)!

Behind door number one we have quilt tops! I usually quilt my quilts right away. What's changed? I don't know, but now I have a pile. One from Old Red Barn Co. quilt along...from 2009. Bad me!

Now let's move onto baskets and the like. In this basket we have the long forsaken  solids quilt. See, wrinkled, threads all over the place. Neglected, and I like this one too. Why have I not worked on this? I don't know.

Next basket. Bliss stars. Love them. Left them. Why? I don't know. Repetitive chain sewing maybe? 

In the same basket are my Hope Valley  Flying Geese Pinwheels from 2009. I did, actually, start working on these again last week, making 10 more pinwheels. I really want to finish this one!

I also have these Twister blocks from that basket too. Don't know what's going to happen with these yet. 

Farmer's wife them though!

My cocorico bee block for Melinda. Her theme was Vintage Christmas. I love this one. Just needs some button knobs and it's ready to go to its new home :)

Quilt along blocks...Swoon and the Hand Pieced blocks.

Granny them. 

Blocks for Crazy Mom Quilts 36 patch quilt along. These are fun and I will finish this one!

....and hand sewing projects. 4 right now. Hexies, diamonds, petals and a patchwork embroidery. I found my whole bag of Whimsy (fig tree) that I lost last year. I had no idea what happened to it. I found it while getting out Christmas decorations this year. Seams it got put in the attic with all of the decorations when they were put away last year. So I'm working on something with that too.

So this was a long post! If you weren't sickened by my lack of finishes and you stayed to read this far. I thank you! 
Is this a lot? normal? Do I have quilting ADD? hmm...

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Hi Erin! I LOVED this post! And I loved seeing all your projects! Yes, I think you're normal. :) I have many WIPs and like you I have no idea why I haven't finished some of them! And I love your blue egg block on the post it! (I'm a newbie here...found your blog from your recent giveaway, and I think I'll stick around!)

  2. Wow, that is quite a list! But I love seeing them all stacked up like that. Several are ones I haven't seen before, but I really like them! Can't wait to see more finishes!

  3. You are having too much fun! Loved seeing all your projects!

  4. They're all so beautiful! Very brave of you for listing them all out like that. I am pretty sure you are probably not the only one with that many WIPs, so just pick one and start plugging away at it. Good luck!!

  5. You are not alone! I sometimes think I have Quilting Attention Deficit. There are just so many neat things to work on and not enough hours in the day. Cheers to you for listing them...just think - when you return to them from time to time, you'll be so pleased at how far along they are and you aren't starting from the beginning. Peace....

  6. I think you're pretty normal. I have at least 15 and some of them are from the 90's!
    I love your WIP's especially the twister blocks and granny squares.

  7. Girrrrllll! You have some (pretty) work to do. Thanks for sharing. I hadn't seen some of those projects before.

    Normal or not who cares?! My mantra is "stitching is not supposed to be stressful".

    Maybe you are an enabler though as I might go start a new project. :)

  8. I have the opposite problem to you (I think) I can't sleep at night if I have too many projects on the go. I have to finish stuff!! Right now, I just want to leap onto a plane with my sewing machine and finish all those beautiful quilts... and steal your flying geese at the same time! Please finish them! Or sell them on eBay! I feel so sad for all that unloved fabric... :-(

  9. Erin, I think I would be ashamed to list all my UFO's. Yours will be lovely when done. Oh! and we don't want to wait til they are done to see more pics : )

  10. I love your WIP:s. Both the bright coloured ones and that adorable little bird on linen. I feel happy just looking at them and a guess its the same for you.
    I to seem to have a lot of WIP:S, and tend to be happier with starting new projekts than finishing them. I acctualy don´t dare list all of my WIP:s.

  11. I do love my fabric! Very much. I do lose sleep too. I very often go to bed late and wake early to finish things. I hope I didn't seem ungrateful or something. I feel very opposite , shame for letting things go and get out of control! I'm working on them! They are WIPs right?

  12. Hello Erin, thanks for sharing your WIP with us today! I really enjoyed your post. Just know, that you are not alone at all :-) I have so many WIP as well, I may just have to pull them all out and show them off too. I love having several of them because some days I want to piece, some days bind, some days cut, etc. I am not a one project at a time kind of gal.

  13. Oh, Erin, I'm so glad you shared this post. What wonderful projects! I'm happy to discover someone else that likes to have several things on the go at once. Normal or not, this is the way I like it! lol

  14. Oh my, that's quite the list! Love the idea of WIP disorder, I may have a bit of that myself...

  15. Yep, a very common case of Quilt ADD. ;D Now that you have a list, just focus on one or two at a time - let yourself have a UFO list separate from a WIP list (only the one or two current focal points). You'll be surprised at how well that gets your unfinished projects moved off the list. :)

  16. And I forgot to say - I *love* your projects!! :D

  17. amazing projects!! i'm loving the granny squares too, so i hope to try some eventually. the pinwheels are adorable and i love your blue birdie cute!!

  18. I am with you entirely. I've just done a very similar post to shame myself into getting things done. My projects aren't anywhere near as gorgeous as yours. I absolutely love all of those WIPs

  19. You are so not alone. I'm on a fabric diet until I finish up some UFOs that have sat way too long. Only problem I have to do a little me new something in between the UFOs to keep inspired.

  20. Welcome to the club! Come on in and set a spell. Not sure I would go so far as to say this is normal, but who wants to be normal? Normal's no fun and in this club we're all about fun!

  21. It's JUST RIGHT! I think it's all wonderful!

  22. What a fabulous list of projects, they're all lovely. I say that so long as you're having fun what does it matter how many things are on the go, although a finish now and then is a fabulous thing.

  23. Well what a marvellous set of photos, so many lovely projects in various states of completion. Yes, I agree you need to make a list in Priority Order. I LOVE making lists, so this is what I would do!
    Put at the top the easiest ones to finish (the Christmas block?)followed by the others I order of quickest to finish right down to the ones you aren't so keen on/ know will take much longer to complete.
    Then do one at a time, not pushing too hard, enjoying the process mixed in with other new things that grab your attention.
    Sorry if I'm teaching my Grandmotheer to suck eggs! But I was fired up by your pictures because I have exactly the same problem! Don't have a blog so can't share!

  24. don't so many of us have quilting ADD...i wonder what i have if i pulled it all out and looked through it. i know for sure that i have at least 5-7 tops that need quilting. oh goodness. your projects are all so pretty. i really love the swoon block

  25. Yowzers you really do have a lot of WIP's!! greatreading about it though, I'm exactly the same!! don't worry we're all human :) keep up the amazing work though, they look fabulous - all of them! I'm itching to start on the granny square blocks myself :D
    Jessie, xo

  26. Wow--all of those projects look so beautifuL! I love all the colors!!! Good luck with them all. I just started finding blogs and my list of not even started yet, WIP--is huge! LOL

    I totally think we get project ADD--I want to start so many things--that it actually overwhelms me--and they aren't even started yet.

  27. I love this post! I think I'm gonna have to do the same thing...out to be interesting. Perhaps on the weekend.

  28. I loved this post too. My question is this: When you have WIPs that you don't love anymore what do you do? Donate to charity? Bin them? Put them back in the cupboard thinking you might like them next time you see them? I have been unable to start a new thing because I feel (dare I say it....) *guilty* for all the projects I have not finished. I am not game to count them. It's all a bit scary. Janine in Perth WA

  29. have so many beautiful WIP's going...and I've even wanted to try a few of the blocks you've made...the twister blocks and pretty! =) Thanks for sharing.

  30. You have some very lovely projects going on! I am the same way with having too many things in progress. I'm also in denial about listing the projects that I have all the materials for but haven't started yet.

  31. I love this post Erin. We should all have a post just like it. :0)
    You are in good company friend. :0)

  32. Oh wow Erin. I love your WIPs. They are all so beautiful! Love those solids blocks and the hope valley pinwheels- I am really impressed with all that you have accomplished- even if they aren't finished yet they will be one day!

  33. My list is quite a bit longer than that. I think my disease is a little more entrenched than yours. My mind moves on to other projects before my hands have finished others. It's because I love the design process more than the actual creation, I think. I love your list. I'm going to have to do one for this year of things I plan to finish . . . I'll have to pick and choose, though. Too many to list all at once.

  34. Thank you so much for sharing all your WIP's!! I feel so much better about my sewing ADD now! I recently took out a box from storage that had a good 10 WIP's from the mid 90's... the challenge is to finish them with today's color and fabric likes clashing with what those are or find someone else who would like them the way they are!
    I personally can't work on one thing at a time...need hand work (be it knitting/crocheting/sewing) for in front of the tv or while driving (as a passenger of course!), mindless 'chain sewing' that I can do 10 or 15 minutes here and there, and full on focusing work when I have hours to sew (like doing a SWOON block or a bag/purse/clutch).
    I am so glad I am not alone.. :)

  35. Awesome post! Thanks for sharing your WIP's. My list is at least as long as yours so, no I don't think you are any different than the rest of us.
    I get bored with some projects faster than others. Most of the time I think that it's because I'm not completely "in love" with whatever that project is. Or it's not as perfect as I think it should be so if it's not perfect then what is the point of finishing it. I'm my own worst case you can't tell. lol Good luck with your finishes. All of your WIP are gorgeous!

  36. Think you cheated a little by not showing off all those tops! Love all your output and I guess that is the problem - it's all gorgeous so what do you finish off first!

    I always love the new project more so have a similar thing but have finished a few UFOs and am trying to finish more than I start!

  37. Ok, I don't feel so bad now! I have a children's quilt I'm working on that I mentioned in a previous comment on another post, and 2 quilt tops ready to be sandwiched and quilted...and a mini quilt/wall hanging that I never got very far on and may never ever finish...I love the concept and I really want to I should push myself to do it...I call it my "Seattle quilt". The whole thing is inspired by when we lived in Seattle for 2 years. The quilt is all attic windows and each window has applique that represents memories from our time there. So far I have appliqued Mt. St. Helens, tulips from the tulip festival we went to, a tent and a pine tree to represent our camping, a hot air balloon to represent the many, many air balloons that you saw all the time there and just loved, a cup of coffee representing the many quaint and quirky coffee houses and drive-thru coffee shacks everywhere! and the list goes on. I even attempted appliqueing the Seattle Space Needle...didn't go too well, but I will try again!


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