
Monday, January 9, 2012

Sorting Legos by Color...

....what happens when this girl can't sew :)


  1. LOL! We're a Lego family too. Why are you not sewing? You can come sew at my house...I have homemade cinnamon rolls...just saying. :)

  2. How funny! I've been there. There's nothing quite like the pain of stepping on a Lego in bare feet! My boys (3 of them) all loved Legos. When the youngest was in college, we sent him a small Lego project (the little boxes the make one item) in his "care package" during finals week! He said all his friends wanted to come in and help him with it! I don't think they outgrow it.

  3. SO funny!! We recently did this exact thing. We have SO MUCH lego in this house it isn't even funny anymore, and we've tried every which way to organize them, so far unsuccessful. Now we are going by colour. I'd love to send you a pic of the "before" and the "after". :)

  4. that is organization i can get my head sounds fun actually

  5. I think I was OCD as a kid, because I did this on my own. Haha I forgot about this till I read your post! Too funny! But I bet it does help organization!

  6. HA! :) I have done that too! I have also been known to use a big flat platform piece and make a "quilt" much to my boys' dismay!

  7. Okay, I was wondering if you were on a beach in Barbados, but maybe not. Are you hurt? Broken arm? Major Bummer whatever the reason. I will remember you in my prayers . Blessings,

  8. oh, we have attempted the sorting of Legos...but never finish!


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