
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thank You!

I would like to say a very sincere Thank You to Jodi of Pleasant Home and Heather & Megan of Quiltstory for featuring my blog. I am a little shocked and thrilled and flattered and excited and happy and extremely grateful that others like my quilts. I appreciate all of you who come here and read my ramblings. Really, I try to post good pictures because I am a fairly bland, non-descript writer at times and a sporadic blogger to say the least. So thanks for sticking with me. I truly appreciate you all :)


  1. Thanks to Jodi..I found your blog and it has been a great inspiration. I am your follower. :)

  2. New follower from Quiltstory. I LOVE your header. I will be back to check out more later!

  3. I knew it was only a matter of time before you were discovered! So excited for you!


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