
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

W.I.P. Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Still working on the Little Apples quilt.  4 rows down, 3 to go!

Loving it!

I have also been working on the tutorial for the off center or wonky sashing. I am aiming for that to be the next post.

I also finished up some bee blocks.I love these prints. They are for the {Sew Bee It} bee for Isabella the Cat.

I am also working on (binding)  a very special doll quilt for a swap with Jacque! She sent me this beautiful quilt.
I love it so.  Her craftsmanship is excellent. every little stitch is perfect:) Thank you so much, friend!
I'll post a picture of the quilt I made for her when she receives it.

So slowly (very) but surely I am making a dent in my W.I.P. list.


  1. I LOVE your Little Apples quilt! I'd love a tutorial for wonky sashing!

  2. love everything!! your colours are so fresh....very nice

  3. Love the quilt. I'm glad somebody is getting their WIPs done!

  4. Love, love, LOVE the wonky apples!

    Thank you for the kind words. Not perfect...sometimes things just work out really well.

    Can't wait to see what you're sending!

  5. OH!!! And, those bee blocks? AWESOME!!!

  6. I always see the WIP Wednesday posts, thinking I'll join in. But it's so daunting to me since I have so many. I wouldn't know which to choose to post about. I certainly can't post about all 80 every week. :/ Can't wait to see your Little Apples all finished.

  7. Love your quilt blocks! :o)
    Have a nice day.
    Sincerely, Trish

  8. this quilt is turning out so beautifully!! i love the topsy turvy of the blocks

  9. Wonderful blocks and that quilt is great!

  10. I luuurve my blocks and your apples quilt is beautiful!

  11. I love that Little Apples quilt. It's gorgeous!


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