
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sweet Progress...

                 (already danced on by little feet this morning)

I got all of my block finished last night for my SWEET quilt. I stayed up until 2 this morning but it needed to be done. I'm at the point where I walk into my sewing room and stand and stare or just walk right back out. It's because I have so many projects started and I feel overwhelmed. I'm not sure why I put this one on the back burner. Once I started sewing the rest of the blocks together I got into a nice groove and was loving them again. I hope to get the sashing cut and top put together this weekend. No doubt caffeine will be involved! 

On a non-quilt related but just as SWEET note my Mother's Day cupcakes were on  The Cupcake Blog yesterday. So I got that going for me :)


  1. I love the sweet quilt. And how wonderful that it has already been christened by little feet!!!
    Cupcakes are almost too pretty to eat!

  2. Very cute blocks for your Sweet quilt! Sometimes I feel the same way you do about my sewing "area". I have at last count over 20 things started. I have been trying to focus on two things at a time and get some finishes! Have a happy sewing weekend! :)

  3. Erin...that is suhweeeeet!!!! Can't wait to see it all done.

  4. Sometimes you just have to step away from a project before you start to like it again. I feel that way a lot, which is probably why I have so stinkin' many WIPs. I just move on to something else, but I come back eventually (although eventually keeps getting longer and longer). :/ I can't wait to see the whole quilt, lady.

  5. Sometimes you just have to step away from a project before you start to like it again. I feel that way a lot, which is probably why I have so stinkin' many WIPs. I just move on to something else, but I come back eventually (although eventually keeps getting longer and longer). :/ I can't wait to see the whole quilt, lady.


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