
Monday, April 4, 2011

Scrap Buster String Quilt

Add ImageI decided to do some scrap management and at the same time try my hand at a string quilt.

Instead of using paper as the foundation to piece the block I used scrap batting cut into 7 inch squares.

When I trimmed down the excess fabric strips I left 1/4 inch beyond the batting square on all sides.

Then the blocks can be joined sewing right along the batting edge. I was initially going to add a backing piece to each square and make it a quilt as you go project but I got on a roll with these and forgot about the backing idea.

This is what I have so far. I have had so much fun sewing these. I love using my favorite scraps and every block is different. I want to make this one throw size, about 64 blocks.


  1. oh, how fun...and what a great idea! 64 squares, hey? Can't wait to see it...I love it already!

  2. very pretty, they can be addicting.

  3. Looks wonderful and is a fantastic way to use up all that extra batting.

  4. It's coming together nicely!

  5. Nice, I just love string blocks. They're really easy and fun like you said.

  6. that will look so great, awesome idea for the quilt as you go!

  7. I have a string quilt on my list of not-yet-started projects. I LOVE the idea of using batting. I definitely have some of those scraps lying around too. I love how bright your string squares are! I'm definitely going to try this!

  8. What a great idea to quilts as you go! It looks great!


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