
Friday, November 19, 2010

Chain Piecing...

I find that the longer I quilt, the more I like chain piecing. It saves time and thread. So do you chain piece? Do you use leaders and enders?

Inquiring minds want to know!


  1. Dear Inquiring Mind,
    Yes I do chain piece
    I do use leaders and enders.

    Does it really save thread?
    Whether or not it does I do know
    that the next sewing session
    begins without the first piece being eaten by the throat plate.

  2. Erin. I love chain piecing and do it as often as I can. Makes short work of piecing...and it does save thread. I don't have a problem with tangled threads or my fabric being eaten, so don't use leaders and enders.

  3. I LOVE chain piecing. I normally don't use a leader. On of my quilting instructors uses a leader that she then will cut and use as her ender too....It saves the random snips of thread all over the sewing room.

  4. yep, chain piece and my leaders and enders are patches for a separate quilt project (ala Bonnie Hunter) so not only do I save time and thread I'm piecing 2 tops at once.
    Although this invariably gets me thinking about why I feel the need to be so productive...

  5. I chain piece, and I don't use leaders and enders. I am usually making several quilts at once (I am very diseased on this front), so I almost always have something in the machine -- unless I need to change thread.


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