
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

WIP Wednesday - 2/29/2012

I feel like I made some progress on my WIPs this week. I finished Muriel's cocorico bee block for February. Her theme was Pippi Longstocking. This was my take on that. I hope she likes it.

I finished 2 hangings. First the mama and her nest mini quilt. I just love this one so much.

It could be my favorite.

Then this hanging I showed you this week.

I'm still working on Granny Squares. I'm cutting up some softer colors to make twin size Granny Square quilts for my girls. Heavily influenced by these and these. Using mostly pink, aqua and red.

Like this block I made for Monica and Lori.

and the one for the hand pieced quilt-a-long. 

Finished these 2 tops. I already showed you but see I made a cute picture on picnik with them. So I had to show you again :)

I forgot to add this one to my  big WIP list a few weeks ago. I think because I have been actively working on it and it just slipped my mind. I'm in the hand quilting stage right now. These are my first hand pieced blocks and the top is all hand pieced too. I am so proud of this little quilt.

So here are my stats this week:
1 completed bee block
2 completed mini quilts
2 completed tops
and that feels really good...

Linking up today with  WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Your work is GORGEOUS!! I'm just crazy about your bee block at the top. Brilliant!

  2. Congrats on all your work that's getting done! And how could anyone NOT like that bee block? It's lovely!!

  3. Your projects all look great! And I"m noticing that you have done some changes on your blog template? Yes? It looks good, whatever you did!

  4. I'm so impressed and inspired by your work! Love it all, especially the Proverbs 31 quilt!
    Lisa Otis

  5. Oh my! I LOVE your work. I adore those little birds in blue. Some of my favourite fabrics ever and just SO adorable!

  6. You've made such beautiful things - you really are very talented:)

  7. So many beautiful things, the bird and her nest is THE cutest mini quilt ever!!!!

  8. Everything in this post makes me wow! I just looove them!

  9. You are definitely rockin', Erin! Love it all. The churn dash is especially awesome.

  10. Besides my bring the monkey blog - I blog at The Empty Nest Mom - so can you imagine how much I squealed with delight at your mamma bird and eggs in the nest? Fantastic! And your lucky girls - to have a mom who quilts. Love the colors you're using.

  11. Looks amazing...I have become quite smitten with these Pippi blocks that are popping up! Love yours!!

  12. Your little birdie quilt is proof once again , that less is more : ) Love it.

  13. Although new to quilting, (2 years) and blogging also,(this week, lol) I have subscribed to yours for quite some time and am always amazed at your work. I adore your little bird quilts and hope to someday make one for my sewing room. Love everything!!

  14. Wow, you have been busy. I absolutely love the birdie quilt, and all the wonderful grey fabric. Congrats on your hand quilting, I am very jealous. :) I am working on learning how to hand quilt myself, so thank you for the inspiration. You bee block is amazing!

    1. thank you! my hand quilting is subpar but every stitch is a chance for learning a little more!

  15. Fantastic! That is a lot! The hot air balloon is so adorable. I love the block you made for Monica and Lori...the colors pink aqua and red are wonderful together! I'm so glad I read your blog because you keep me going on my WIPs!! I have been wanting to work on my sailboat quilt for the past 2 days!!! and something always comes up!! Well, I have to put my foot down...I gotta work on it today or I'm gonna just burst! hahahaha! Thanks for the always, I love your work!

  16. I love the mama bird and her nest!! Great job with all of them. I have fabrics picked out for a granny quilt and need to get started cutting.

    1. thank you! the granny squares are really fun and i'm enjoying using up some scraps!

  17. such amazing projects! i really can't pick a favorite, i love them all! i 'm super impressed by the hand quilting you are doing...that's so pretty! and i'm excited to watch your granny's! ;)

  18. Wow - I love your new birdie quilt! The eggs are adorable! I'm looking forward to getting the one I bought from you up on my wall :)


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