
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January Sewing - Fresh Sewing Day

It's nice to reflect on what you can accomplish in a month. Sometimes you don't think you did very much at all and then it turns out it might not be as bad as you thought. These are the things I made in January. I made a lot of Churn Dashes. I don't think I could tire of those :)
February is a new month and I hope to get some quilts quilted. At least one would be nice. I plan on keeping up with the handwork I've been doing and scrap management HAS to be done! Scraps are taking over. What did you make in January? What are your plans for February?

Fresh Sewing Day

I'm linking up with Lily's Quilts for Fresh Sewing Day! It's a nice time to see what others made for the month! Check it out :)


  1. Your projects look great. I especially admire your hand sewn churn dash block and that great photo of your blocks hanging in front of the silos.

  2. Very nice stuff. I love the top left photo.

  3. Gorgeous colours in your work. I <3 your hexies!

  4. Such beautiful blocks!! And I love the stand mixer block in your header too :)

  5. Lovely mosaic of your work! I love the churn dash blocks, too! :)

  6. oh those mosaics make everything look so good, don't they? Love your Swoon, the birdies, the silo pic, and are those "granny squares"? all lovely...

  7. Every swoon block at I have seen...your are just beautiful!!! Hugs

  8. Your year is off to a flying start, Erin! My favourite from your January mosaic is the K.I.S.S.I.N.G. birds. So sweet.

  9. Wow! You got a lot accomplished this month! Did you handpiece all of those?


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