
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Eggs - An Obsession

(source: Pinterest)
 Something you probably don't know about me is that I have a strange obsession with eggs. It all started when we got chickens three chickens years ago. My father in law "rescued" them from an elementary school at the end of the school year (which reminds me of the time in first grade when I got to take the hermit crab home over summer vacation but it sadly died after a week). We were their lucky new caretakers.They laid eggs. Eggs, I didn't buy at the grocery store or farm stand. Eggs, fresh eggs, everyday. Eggs, just outside my door. Eggs, all colors, shapes and sizes! I love them all. Unfortunately a chicken hawk got our chickens, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. The name was a joke as we had no intention of eating them, they were pets. Pets who gave us eggs. My obsession is in full swing right now after receiving my McMurray catalog. Oh I'm dreaming of our "someday farm". With all of this egg gawking....

...I had to put eggs in a quilt! My husband actually suggested making a bird quilt with them. I used blues and greys (not as bright as I normally make my bird quits. Is it because a boy suggested it? hmm? I think I was going for something he liked and laid off the pink.) He even noticed how the bird's eye is the center of the flower. He was paying attention! I still have to quilt and bind it.  Another keeper for my "someday quilt wall".

 I hope "someday" comes soon!!!

Linking up with Quilt Story today for Fabric Tuesday


  1. I have chickens, and love them like pets, and adore their colorful and delicious eggs! I am about to get more chicks too!!!
    Sorry about your chickens. I was confused a bit though. Did a hawk really get them?
    Love the quilt!

  2. 'Eggs-cellent' quilt!!!! Nicely done.....the little bird is so cute. Thanks for sharing....

  3. Hi Kris. Yup! a hawk really did get them. It was sad. I can't wait to get more of them though. I find them highly entertaining creatures. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Oh you clever girl! That will be an amazing quilt! Another precious piece and I love that your DH noticed the eye placement. Very cute. Fresh eggs are definitely the way to go!

  5. We've had chickens for about 6 years (but I'm a farm girl and so had them growing up). I LOVE eggs! The colors get me EVERY single time. A chicken hawk got one of ours; another time I came home to find a "neighbor's" (our neighbors are fairly far away) dog munching on one--my dh still says he's never seen me soooo mad! Let's see...coyotes, possums, raccoons. So frustrating! And yet makes me feel for the farmers with large herds, flocks, crops, etc. You can put so much time, effort, love? in something and then have it all just taken away. I have the latest catalog as well and I canNOT wait to get our new set this year!

  6. Cute quilt Erin. We used to have some "girls". I miss them too. They were so relaxing to watch as they scratched around. And the lemon meringue pie!!!

    p.s. I just knew you'd do a birdie valentines quilt : )

  7. Goodness! I just found your blog the other day and knew we were kindred spirits when I saw the silos in the background - I grew up on a dairy farm in VA.
    Now the chickens seal the deal! I day dream about chickens like other girls dream of purses and dresses. McMurray is delightful... you should get guineas (and some runner ducks, and some sussex hens, and, and, and...) :)

  8. I get my brown eggs from the farm and I love them. Always fresh. Sorry about your chickens. We always have hawks around because we have lots of squirrels and I'm so afraid they will mistake my little gray cat for one.
    I love the new quilt!

  9. Very cute wall hanging. The blues and tans are very soothing. Visiting from Fabric Tuesday.


  10. Awwww, how sad for Breakfast Lunch and Dinner. :( And sad for you. Mmmm, fresh eggs. Can't say I've ever had them but the thought of it is wonderful!!

    The mini is adorable, and I'm totally drooling over the link of the quilt wall. I'd like that too!!

  11. I love your color choices, so simple and pretty. A friend has chickens, they are fun pets with benefits.

  12. Love this - looks like mama bird is saying sweet nothings to her brood to be!

  13. Love all the colours of your inspiration eggs, and very cute wee mini

  14. I think it would be so much fun to have chickens. I just haven't gotten brave yet. We have coyotes around here, so they would have to be completely penned, top and bottom, at night. I have wonderful memories of gathering eggs for my grandmother.
    I love your little quilt!

  15. Our neighbors always had chickens, so we benefited from them as well. I am loving this little egg quilt you made, the colors are beautiful!

  16. Incredibly adorable! I love that you had chickens! Sometimes I wished we lived somewhere less urban & could have some too!

  17. I just love this, it is adorable! I like it in the blue and gray...I'm sure pink would have been good, too!

  18. I love this so much, Erin! In college I worked at a feed store and after our "chick days" I took about a dozen home to my parents. They weren't thrilled at first but grew to love them. They even got a new flock once they moved back to Iowa. Can't wait until we get a place set up to have some of my own. And I love what your chickens were named! Very fun!

  19. Aw...what a cute little quilt. I love having chickens. I always dreamed of it and now we do. :0)
    I am looking forward to new chicks this spring. :0)

  20. Ps. I had a hawk to come down right beside me to try and carry one of our girls off. It was crazy.

  21. Your bird quilts, and the fact that you keep on making more, are amazing. I love your work!

  22. What a super quilt. Love the blue- grey tones you used which are so right for the birds' eggs theme. You definitely have to showcase this lovely quilt on a wall in your home!

  23. Love this lil quilt! I think it's my favorites of all of the ones you have done. Beautiful colors!

  24. I love this mini! My boyfriend and I also have a "someday" farm planned. Here's hoping that your dream will come to fruition. :)

  25. That is just the cutest ever! I too am obsessed with chickens and eggs. In fact, I finally convinced my husband to get chickens over the summer and now we have three. I still can't believe it sometimes because we live in an extremely urban area, but we do. Two of them are currently laying, and the third should start sometime soon. Seriously, if we can have a "real" farm in our 'hood, you can totally make your "someday" farm a reality!

  26. I love your little bird quilts!!! They just make me smile every time I see one on your blog! As far as chickens go??? I'd LOVE to have fresh eggs, but I think I'd HATE to gather the eggs! I've never done it before, but it seems like the chickens wouldn't be very happy with me for "stealing" their eggs!

  27. I don't know what to say! It's SO pretty and cute too!

  28. Just flew over from Quilt Story. Love, love, love your little bird and nest. Those blue eggs are just adorable!

  29. Just found you through Quilt Story. Love your blog and especially love you birds and eggs! Those colors are perfection!

  30. I love that quilt with the bird and nest!

  31. Your little quilt is nothing short of precious! I love your fabric choices! So soothing. The little birdie and eggs are super cute, too.


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