
Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Birdie Tutorial

Hi there! Hope you all had a great weekend. Back in November Heather and Megan from Quilt Story asked me if I would be a part of their Christmas Tutorial series they were having. I was thrilled for the invite and I made a Christmas Bird quilt for them. If you'd like to check out the tutorial it's here. I even made templates! That was exciting! I'm not much of a formal pattern follower or maker so I hope it's easy to understand. Let me know what you think!


  1. Erin...this is fabulous! I love it! What an honor to be invited to participate! Proud of you.

  2. Such a cute min, Erin! I loved seeing more of the process you use to make them!

  3. Adorable Erin. I downloaded the pattern and will do one for my wee grand baby. So cute for a nursery or wherever. Thanks so much.

  4. so darling! Thanks for the tutorial - very fun!

  5. I adore the pattern and so many congrats on being asked to post!

    You have me in tears, I used to make things like this with my Grandmama. I didn't realize how useful it could be in my new quilting adventures.

  6. thank you! I love this pattern!


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