
Friday, November 4, 2011

I made them and didn't blog them...

I thought I might post about a couple little quilties that I made but never blogged. I posted them on flickr but they never made it into a blog post. And I love these little quilts. The first one is this mini I made for Lauree for her little girl. Originally I was going to give her this one but I wasn't pleased with it. (by the way, I did change that binding, I never blogged that either, I went with yellow) I love how this one turned out.

Then one of my very favorites is this VW Bus. My husband and I had a few VW's before kids! Our bus didn't run more than it ran and it had no heat. But man did I love that thing. Notice the crooked tire? I didn't mean to do it that way but thought it highly appropriate since it was on a Volkswagon, haha!

So sometimes I am actually sewing and forgetting to blog it. Sometimes I just put it on flickr because I don't have much to say. Then there are times, like now, when I have more than 2 seconds to stream a few coherent sentences together. They are coherent, right? Okay I'm off to try to take pictures for 2 upcoming tutorials. Take care and have a wonderful weekend!!!


  1. Totally adorable. I absolutely love the VW bus!

  2. Your little quilties are so adorable. I love the birds (this one and the other ones too!)

  3. I've seen these on Flickr...loved them then and love them now! You really are a talent and I admire your mini quilts so much!

  4. I really like both!!!! The vw is great!!!!!!
    Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to post them

  5. extremely cute. Loe the vw van!!

  6. I'm just seeing that you live in Pa, too! Where are you???

    :) Maureen

  7. Adorable! I am loving your little mini quilts and I almost spit my Coca-cola out when I saw the VW quilty. LOVE!!!!!

  8. I love the V-dub one. We had one for years, bought it when we rescued a German Shepard that loved going to the beach.

  9. LOVE the VW. And I like how you used tumbler blocks on the side of the birdie quilt.


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