
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mending Birdie Quilt Winner

Thanks to all of you who left a comment to win the quilt. The winner is :

number 34. Heather from Mountain Home Quilts! Congratulations Heather. I've sent  you an e-mail and I'll ship that out to you soon :)


  1. YAY!! Erin, I'm so excited!!!!!!!! :) Oh my, Timber is going to LOVE this in her room. Thank you, thank you! :)

  2. Hello, lovely, I'm just checking on you. You haven't posted in a while (nor have I, so that's not a remonstrance by any means), so I just hope you're doing well.

  3. Hi Erin. I just found your blog today through pleasant home. Love it! Also I love your string quilt.

  4. Expect alot more traffic, I'm loving your blog and style. The bench you redid, I have a cricket chair sprayed in the same red paint, but I'm doing it with red polka dots, and can we talk about the little birdie minis? Too cute!

  5. Hi Erin, I have just discovered your blog this morning- its gorgeous! Your quilts are so lovely and inspiring. I particularly like your little birds. Thanks for the inspiration! Jo in Australia


Thank you for leaving a comment. I try to reply to all comments via e-mail, in the comments section or by visiting your blog. Have a great day :)