
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Another Paper Pieced Mixer and Waiting on Irene...

As we are preparing and waiting for Hurricane Irene I am trying to get in some last minute sewing before we lose electric. I made another paper pieced Kitchen Aid mixer for Lauree for the cocorico bee. I love this one so much. I want to make another and then take pictures and notes so that I can post the pattern and how to for those of you who are interested.

There is only a breeze now but it is expected to get worse as Irene moves closer. Stay safe!


  1. i love this!!!! i am excited for the directions!

    you stay safe too

  2. I hope you're far enough inland that you won't be too affected by Irene. Whenever Houston or anywhere in the Gulf gets hurricanes, we get major rainstorms and some wind, but usually not much that can do damage. We had some damaging storms with Katrina. I hope you are ready. YOU stay safe. Will be thinking of you and all those on the East Coast.

  3. I think using the selvedge for the buttons is about the most clever thing I've ever seen! And I'm still ridiculously in love with those birdie blocks. Would you maybe let me commission you for one?;)

  4. I love this. The "buttons" are darling

  5. I would love directions for the mixer. You are so creative. I love watching your pieces come together.

    Hope Irene brings you nothing more than a strong breeze and some rain.

  6. Just found you on Flickr with this block which I LOVE! I would love a tutorial- directions. I would be thrilled to make one of my own. Love your fabric choices- that orange dot happens to be one of my all time favorite fabrics.
    Hope you are staying safe with Irene!

  7. Well, what can I ROCK! Love this! Ingenious! You stay safe!

  8. I love the selvedge buttons. I think I caught the paper pieced block bug from piecing the farmers wife quilt. I started dabbling in making my own patterns, which turns out to be more fun than working on the FW. ;)

    Stay safe!

  9. That mixer is so cool. I would love to make it too!

  10. Um, Erin....... you're a genius!!! That has got to be the coolest quilt block I have ever seen! You rock!
    Hope you're safe in the storm. I've really been thinking today how it's amazing that life can be so much different somwhere else. It's sunny and mild here and I just can't fathom that 3000 miles away life is TOTALLY different right now.
    I'm so thankful that the Lord is soverign over all. Praying that you're not too effected by Irene my friend.

  11. Erin, I think your new header is wonderful!
    I like the block too.

  12. Stay safe. Thankfully, this is not a category 4! I hope you don't have flooding and loss of power.
    Love the little paper pieced blocks! Those are so cute!

  13. I just love your helps that your subject is my favorite kitchen tool. Mine is just boring old white though and most definitely does not have an elephant bowl :(

  14. erin... this is seriously the bees knees. i made cookies today and was looking at my huge black mama (that is what i call my kitchen aid)and so wishing that i could change it to a orange polka dot one... and the elephant bowl. SWOON! i love the size too.

  15. This. rocked. my. day.

    seriously genius work, and so fun! I hope hope hope you get to share the directions!


  16. Hope Irene didn't leave you harmed in any way. I found your blog via another. Love it! And Hugs! I love your mixer. Nice work!

  17. How exciting! Wonderful! I would ask if you wanted to do a swap, but I'm afraid I'm not up to your caliber. ;) Thus, asking if I can commission you. So how do we work out details?

  18. I saw your block posted on Flickr. I have to say I think you're brilliant! I LOVE the mixer. I wish mine had the option of a bowl like that. ;)

  19. Super cute! I love how you used the selvedge on the side of the mixer. So creative!

  20. For those of you who have a "plain-jane" mixer you can put/make stencils for them. wish i could remember where so I could tell you where to look. :(
    Think I might just have to make me a block.!!!

  21. I would love a tutorial for how to make this block! I have such a good idea for project with this block for my mother!!


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