
Friday, July 1, 2011

Little Apples and Ruby...

I got my grubby little paws on some Little Apples by Aneela Hoey and Ruby by Bonnie and Camille. I have been waiting (maybe not so) patiently for these to come out. So much prettier in real life. I love them and can't wait to make something with them.

Today is our 3rd day of absolutely gorgeous weather.

But these beauties are doing a number on my allergies!


  1. those both are so gorgeous...i have already been looking at Ruby

  2. Enjoyed our pictures but the fabric was the topper!~

  3. Those are great fabrics! Looking forward to seeing what you do with them. Hot, hot, hot here today...thank goodness for central air!

  4. What a gorgeous landscape! (Love the fabric too!!!)
    Allergies are no fun! My eye doctor yesterday said, "Wow! Your allergies are so bad your corneas are swollen!" I didn't know your corneas could swell! Now I know why my eyes have been giving me trouble.


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