
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Garden Party...

Against my better judgement I'm posting a picture of the latest sketch applique I made. I am just not real sure about this one. The binding is all wrong. It's just not doing it for me. I love the crochet lace on the table, the bunting is super cute but the rest not so much. This was intended for a swap but this is not up to swap standards to me. So I'll make another with some changes. Then I think I'll put these to rest for a bit and catch up on bigger quilts, bees and things. I appreciate when I have a creative streak but when it's gone, it's gone, ya know? 


  1. oh gosh, i love this! i think when you set it aside for a while, you will take a peek later on and see that it's quite charming. it's full of scrappy goodness!

  2. Well, I think it's super cute and the colors are perfect! I agree with what Randi set completely!

  3. Erin, this one is my favorite! So, if you tire of looking at it I'm sure I could take it off your hands. And I do know what you mean by "when the creative streak is gone"!

  4. agreed, super cute, and I like the wonky binding...everything about this is darling

  5. Not to be the lone voice (but here I go), but I agree with you about the binding. I might pull it off and go with something a little lighter -- the aqua or a pink or something. Just a thought. But I love the rest of this -- the birds holding the banner, the lace, the name. You do lovely work, Erin.

  6. Whether or not you like the binding, I think it is adorable!!

  7. I found your blog on Craft Gossip, and I love your creativity. Birdies are so cute. This design is very cute.

  8. This is ADORABLE with a capital OH MY GOSH!!!

  9. I think this one is cute, but not as cute as some of the others you've made. I think if you just redid the binding it would be great. I should add that I have never quilted anything in my life, but you make me want to change that.
    Great blog!


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