
Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Recovered Bench and A Mini....

I wish I would have taken a before shot of this bench my mom gave me. It was in bad shape.  I painted it with shiny red acrylic paint. Then we went to the LQS and I found this Michael Miller laminate.

I recovered the seat portion with it. Which was easy peasy because I got my very own staple gun and let me tell ya, I am ready to recover everything I own. (I wish we were having some better weather so I could get a more true shot of the colors.)

I am so happy with my bench all for under 6 bucks! yippee skippee!!!

I also finished the little embroidered piece I started last week.

 I needed a new garden flag so I thought I'd just make one. I think it turned out adorable. Now we just need some sunshine so my flowers will grow!!


  1. Wow great work. The bench looks good.
    I haven't made a garden flag in years. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Cute cute! I'm starting an upholstery project myself this weekend. Yay for staple guns!

  3. I love that recovered bench! Great idea!


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