
Friday, April 15, 2011

Fabric Yumminess....Restashing

Not too long ago I did a major destash. I gave a few bags crammed full of fabric away to my mom. I had only what I loved left. I also stopped buying fabric for quite a few months.

Then the bug hit a couple weeks ago and I HAD to get some fabric!!!! I don't do a lot of on-line shopping but I haven't been able to find some of the fabrics that I really love at my LQS's anymore. So I caved...

It all started when I won this 1/2 yard of Heather Ross Tadpole fabric on ebay for 7 bucks.Then it just snowballed from there.

I've had many of these sitting in my cart at QuiltHome for a very long time. Some Amy Butler that I wanted to restash. My favorites. Love them.

Some Heather Ross Mendocino and Amy Butler dots.

More Heather Ross, some Joel dewberry and Heather Bailey.

Some Michael Miller aqua and red and more Amy Butler dots.

Then I went on over to Hawthorne Threads and got these adorable Tip Top elephants.

Next stop one of my local quilt shops Hayloft Fabrics for some Kona and look at those Riley Blake dots! Love them too.

Then off to Burkholder Fabrics for these. Sherbert Pips...

and Kona solids in my favorite Coal...and some Medium Grey and Ash.

I also got my hands on this Cosmo Cricket Early Bird in sea foam from Quilt Expressions. I talked to the sweetest lady there. I've been trying to get my hands on this fabric foreva!!!

Found some more Cosmo Cricket Early Bird at Fashionable Fabric.

And a little more Heather Ross Mendocino there too.

Last but certainly not least a super cute package from Kerri's shop Sew Deerly Loved. Some Japanese prints and another piece of Early Bird by Cosmo Cricket. She has some great aqua and red fabrics. I love her shop.

I'd like to say I'm finished but I have my eye on a few more things at Randi's shop Fresh-Squeezed fabrics.

Then I'm done. For a while. I think. :)


  1. Nice restashing. Very pretty colors, perfect for Spring. And there that's grey again :) I'm seeing lots of it used.

  2. Thanks Katie! I'm lovin' the grey!

    Heather, I totally caved big time. I think my husband was beginning to worry!

  3. Oh my,you sure made up for lost time!
    Great choices.

  4. Hey Erin...that must have been one huge bug that bit you! {grin} Love the fabrics!!! Every single one of them!

    I feel like I'm about due for some fabric buying, but I'm in the process of organizing my sewing room and have way more fabric than I need!

    What are you going to make with your Sherbet Pips? I, too, have a charm pack and that is one fabric that I will be purchasing some yardage of!

  5. I sure did Char!

    Jacque, for the Sherbert Pips I used some of the charms for the small quilt in the previous post and I haven't cut into the yardage yet.

  6. Wowza! I think in some circles this kind of post is known as "fabric pr0n". :D Sexy! Must feel really good to do some restashing!

  7. These are all gorgeous -- so many of my favorites in there. It would be so hard to resist!


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