
Monday, March 28, 2011

Habitat Quilt Progress & Lost Fabric

Hey there! Remember me? It's been a long time. I've had to wait to post until we got a new computer. You see, we got a virus, thought it was gone, and it may have been, but a few days later our computer completely fried. This is a pretty craptastic time of year (not that it's ever a good time) for the computer to crash with trying to get homeschool portfolios ready and all. I have not replied to e-mails yet. Thank you, Jacque, for checking in on me! Had the blog down during this time. I'm wondering how to not get the SPAM comments. They bug me. Anyway I lost a few quilt pictures and all of my files. Everything that was never backed up. So I'm starting from scratch here.

I have half of the Habitat Quilt quilted. This baby is BIG! Free motion quilting is not for wimps! HA! I haven't quilted one this large in a long while. My back and shoulders feel it. How often do you take a break while machine quilting?

My SIL and I decided on Kona Cotton in the color Herb for the binding. It will look great and really make the colors in the prints pop and it breaks up the black and white too. For the back she found a sheet she liked from Kohls.

While we were shopping for batting and binding fabric I saw this Strawberry Fields Layer Cake.

I love the colors! I think that everything Joanna Figueroa designs is beautiful. My SIL bought the layer cake for me as a thank you for making her quilt. So sweet. Fabric is one of the best gift.

While we are on the subject of Fig Tree & Co. I have some how lost my bag of Whimsy charms. How does one lose a bag of fabric? It was in a really brightly colored gift bag. I am really bummed and going a little batty looking for it. I hope it didn't get thrown out somehow. :(

I have some blog hopping to do! Happy Quilting!


  1. YAY!! You're back! And, look at that lovely that Habitat fabric is. My lqs has it and I've been far. The binding color...herb...LOVE it! That quilt is awesome. You'll find your whimsy charms...somewhere totally unexpected! All I really know for sure is that they're not here. SCORE!! Layer cake!

  2. Glad you're back and that your computer troubles are over.
    Can't wait to see that quilt when it's finished.
    Your charms will turn up. I found an invitation from Dec. 2009 in with my tax stuff when I started my taxes this year!

  3. Glad you are love that quilt!

  4. Hi, I just wanted to stop by and thank you for your visit but also to tell you that you were a no-reply and did not want you to think I was ignoring you! LOVE your quilt!!!

  5. I love love LOVE strawberry fields! I've ordered a layer cake too but being all the way over in the UK it will take a while to get here :(

  6. So good to hear from you!♥ I'm making Timber a quilt (if it EVER get's finished) with the Whimsy line and I so love the Strawberries!!!

  7. Bummer about your computer, but happy to see you back. I love your habitat quilt... the colors are wonderful.

  8. I've been missing your posts. Glad you're back. I hope you find your Whimsy quilt. That would be a tragic loss!

  9. That Habitat Quilt is beautiful.

  10. Pleased you have your new computer up and running, I hope you have no more computer troubles! Your Habitat Quilt looks great.


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