
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Aqua and Red Square in a Square...and it's Baby!

I was so excited to finish this quilt up and list it in my Etsy shop. I've been patiently working on it. I really love how it turned out. Super crinkled. I'm calling it Square in a Square, creative, I know.

It's another Red & Aqua combination, which I love. It feels great. I truly think pulling it out of the dryer is becoming my favorite part of this whole process.

Add ImageAdd ImageI pieced a strip on the back. I am really enjoying it. I think I might have to do this for all of my quilts. I think it adds so much interest. My husband just laughs when I show it to him. Every.Time.

And here's my quilts baby. It happens.

Isn't it adorable.

It has a pieced back too.

So my shop is officially open. I'm so excited and really interested to see what happens.

*edited to add more pics...


  1. this is looks so great.

  2. These are delightful. Love both patterns. Great luck to you in your etsy shop.

  3. Lovely quilts! Good luck to your etsy shop! I have plans to step into the etsy scene as well soon.

  4. they are so awesome! good luck with the shop :)

  5. Oooh! I love it! Congratulations on the shop!

  6. ohmygosh, I totally missed your post! Sorry! I am in love with this quilt...square in a square, indeed...and it had a baby! fun is that! Love your crinkles, your backs, your color combos, your...well, everything about these! Will run over to your etsy shop now. Best wishes in your new venture!

  7. I found this via Pinterest and wanted to let you know I absolutely LOVE this color combo! Now I am inspired to dig out some of my Ufo's so I can work with these colors... Thanks for sharing!!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I love this quilt! How do you get your quilts so crinkly? I think maybe my batting is too thick. Somewhere on here I saw where you said what you use, but I can't find it now.... Could you please let me know? Thanks and God Bless!


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