Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I Think I Like the Back Better....

I got the top for the Mendocino stars together. And I started looking through my stash for backing fabric. I found some stars I made for a mini that I tucked away and forgot about. Does that happen to you? I thought I could use them for the back. I also found a nice size piece of Kona Sweet Pea I had. I thought they would look okay. Well the more I made the more I loved it.

 Then I bordered 2 blocks with the orange octopi fabric and I was in total, head over heels, fabric love. The sweet pea and orange really look great together! I didn't even trim it up for the picture just grabbed it and hung it out on the line, (in the rain) I was so excited! I just realized that the bottom block bordered in orange is upside down. Gotta fix that!
It is the same exact size as the top so there is not much wiggle room once I start quilting. I must baste really well to pull this one off. I would just add more but going with what seems to be the running theme of this quilt, I used every last morsel of the sweet pea solid. I think I'll be okay.

Here's the top pieced. Okay, I still love it!

  *****edited to add Jacque told me that this is not Sweet Pea, maybe it's Azure. It's been so long since I bought it that I'm really not sure now. Where did I get Sweet Pea from? haha*****

 WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced for W.I.P. Wednesday! Check out all the other linker uppers and see what's shakin' in blogland :)


Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

That is going to be a beauty - coming and going!! Love it!

Debbie said...

oh my - you are right! Both front & back are equally lovely! Good for you! Love your photos!

Jennifer said...

This quilt is great. It's going to be awesome when it's finished. I love the color combination!

Amy Friend said...

You just call it double sided or fully reversible then--no front or back :) said...

I love everything about this quilt.

Jacque. said...

WOW. I mean...WOW. Speechless here. Love it!

Toni said...

So great, Erin! I love how sometimes we let ourselves get a little crazy on the back because, hey, it's the back! But then we end up loving it more than the planned front. Both sides are wonderful!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

How funny! Its just too cool that you came across the blocks you used on the back. Think how hard you would be kicking yourself if you hadn't until the quilt was done and you found them then!!

Love both sides!

mtnquiltr said...

Loving everything about this quilt, stars, colours, front and back! Great work!

CraftyGardenMom - Tanesha said...

I think both sides are beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

Heather D. said...

It's awesome!! I too have a recent project that I think I like the back better. I'm just calling it reversible and will switch as my mood so desires! ;-)

Svetlana said...

Love both front and back, gorgeous!

Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts said...

How grand that you'll love both sides… does that means it will be used twice as much? I adore your finishes!

Leslie said...

this looks amazing....i love love the back. another stunner

Jessica Christensen said...

Love the front. Love the back. I'm with you -- I think I like the back better (with absolutely NO disrespect to the front intended). I LOVE a wonky, random quilt. I cannot believe you took out those center squares and redid them. That's commitment to excellence. :) LOVE Mendocino. I should probably break out and use some of mine.

Kristy said...

love the quilt, front and back!

happy zombie said...

I love the front, but the back knocked my socks off! I think you should make two quilts - and have these both be fronts!

Quilting with Jannette said...

I briefly forgot what the top looked like, and ended up thinking that the back was the front... which lends itself to the thought that the back and front are equally lovely! Well done!

Anonymous said...

The front is gorgeous but wow! The back is stunning!! :)



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